Medical Terminology Letter R
rachi/o | spine |
radicul/o | nerve root |
radi/o | x-ray, radiation |
ram/i | branch |
re- | back, again |
-receptor, -ceptor | receiver |
rect/o | rectum |
reflex/o, reflect/o | to bend back |
registrat/o | recording |
relaps/o | to slide back |
ren/o | kidney |
respir/o, respirat/o | breathe, breathing |
resuscit/o | revive |
reticul/o | netlike |
retin/o | retina |
retract/o | drawing back |
rhabd/o | rod |
rhabdomy/o | striated/skeletal muscle |
rhe/o | flow, current, stream |
rhin/o | nose |
rhiz/o | root |
rhod/o | red, rosy |
rhytid/o | wrinkle |
rose/o | rosy |
rot/o, rotat/o | turn, revolve |
-rrhagia, -rrhage | excessive flow, profuse fluid discharge |
-rrhaphy | suture |
-rrhea | flow, discharge |
-rrhexis | rupture |
rrhythm/o | rhythm |
-rubr/o, rubr/i | red |