Medical Terminology Letter D
dacry/o | tear |
dactyl/o | digit (finger or toe) |
deca- | ten (10¹) |
deci- | one tenth (10⁻¹) |
demi- | half |
dem/o | people |
dent/i | tooth |
derm/o, dermat/o | skin |
desicc/o | to dry |
-desis | surgical fixation, fusion |
desm/o | ligament |
deuter/o | second, secondary |
dextr/o | right |
di- | two |
dia- | through, throughout |
didym/o | a twin, testis |
-didymus | conjoined twin |
dilat/o | enlarge, expand |
dipl/o | double |
dips/o | thirst |
dis- | apart, to separate |
dist/o | distant |
dolich/o | long |
dolor/o | pain |
dors/o | back |
drom/o, -drome | running |
duct/o | to lead |
duoden/o | duodenum |
dynam/o | power, strength |
-dynia | pain |
dys- | bad, difficult, painful |