Hypothyroidism (myxedema) Nursing Care Plan


Nursing Care Plan for Hypothyroidism

Nursing Diagnosis

Disturbed Sensory Perception (specify: visual)r/t the transmission of sensory impulses as a result of ophthalmopathy.

  • Patients did not experience a decrease in visual acuity worse and there is no trauma / injury to the eye.
  • Instruct the patient when sleeping with head elevation position.
    • Rationale: To reduce trauma to the eye.
  • Wet the eye with sterile water.
    • Rationale: To provide comfort to the eye.
  • If the patient can not close their eyes tightly while sleeping , use a non- allergic plaster.
    • Rationale: Make it easy for the patient to sleep.
  • Give steroid medications as ordered. In severe cases, doctors usually prescribe medications such as steroids to reduce edema and diuretics.
    • Rationale: Reduce edema and fluid.

Nursing Diagnosis

Decreased cardiac output r / t changes in stroke volume.

  • to remain cardiovascular function optimally characterized by blood pressure, and heart rhythm within normal limits.
  • Monitor blood pressure, heart rate and rhythm every 2 hours.
    • Rationale: To indicate the likelihood of cardiac hemodynamic disturbances such as hypotension, decreased urine output , and mental status changes.
  • Instruct the patient to notify the nurse immediately if the patient experiences chest pain.
    • Rationale: Because in patients with hypothyroidism can develop chronic arteriosclerosis.
  • Collaboration of drugs.
    • Rationale: To reduce the symptoms.
  • Teach the patient and family how to use drugs and the signs to look out for in case of hyperthyroidism due to excessive use of drugs.
    • Rationale: To identify drug reaction that is given to the patient.

Nursing Diagnosis

Imbalance nutrition less than body requirements r / t anorexia.

  • Nutrition can be met, with the following criteria: weight gain, good skin texture.
  • Encourage increased fluid intake.
    • Rationale: To increase the intake of fluids in the body of the patient.
  • Give foods rich in fiber.
    • Rationale: To ensure adequate intake of nutrients in the body.
  • Teach the patient, about the kinds of foods that contain lots of water.
    • Rationale: In order for the patient to know about what foods are good to eat.
  • Collaboration with a nutritionist.
    • Rationale: For a given proper nutrition.

Nursing Diagnosis

Activity Intolerance r / t generalized weakness

  • Patients can rest.
  • Set the time interval between rest and activity to improve exercise that can be tolerated.
    • Rationale: To improve resting and exercise that can be tolerated.
  • Help the patient self-care activities when the patient is in a state of fatigue.
    • Rationale: To prevent decubitus sores.
  • Give stimulation through conversation and activities that do not cause stress.
    • Rationale: Aiming to avoid any stress.
  • Monitor the patient’s response to increased activity.
    • Rationale: To determine the development of the activity in patients.