How to Obtain a Blood Sample
A phlebotomist or a nurse with training and certification in collecting a blood sample are allowed to perform venipuncture for the purpose of blood specimen collection. These are the steps to follow in obtaining a blood sample:
- Identify the client. Accurately identify the client by asking his or her name and birthdate; Explain the reason for the test and procedure to the client.
- Proper position. Blood samples should be drawn in a sitting position and the client should remain in that position for at least 5 minutes before the blood collection.
- Confirm the request. Check the laboratory form for the ordered test, client information, and additional requirements (fasting, dietary restrictions, medications).
- Provide comfort. Make sure the client remove any tight clothing that might constrict the upper arm. The arm is placed in a downward position supported on the armrest.
- Ensure proper hand hygiene. Perform hand washing before putting on non-latex gloves.
- Identify the vein. Examine the client’s arm to select the most easily accessible vein for venipuncture then place the tourniquet 3 to 4 inches above the chosen site. Do not place the tourniquet tightly or leave on more than 2 minutes.
- Prepare the site. When a vein is chosen, cleanse the area using alcohol in a circular motion beginning at the site and working toward.
- Draw the sample. Ask the client to make a fist. Grasp the client’s arm firmly using your thumb to draw the skin taut and anchor the vein from rolling. Gently insert the needle at a 15 to 30º angle through the skin and into the lumen of the vein.
- Fill the tube. Obtain the needed amount of blood sample, then release and remove the tourniquet.
- Remove the needle. In a swift backward motion, remove the needle from the client’s arm. and apply a folded gauze over the venipuncture site for 1 to 2 minutes.
- Label the tube. Label the tube with the client’s name, date of birth, hospital number, date and time of the collection.
- Transport specimen. Deliver the specimen to the laboratory for immediate processing and analysis.