Glucose Studies
- Glucose:
- Glucose, fasting: 70 – 110 mg/dL
- Glucose, monitoring: 60 – 110 mg/dL
- Glucose, 2-hr postprandial: < 140mg/dL
- Glucose Tolerance Test (GTT)
- 70 – 110 mg/dL (baseline fasting)
- 110 – 170 mg/dL (30 minute fasting)
- 120 – 170 mg/dL (60 minute fasting)
- 100 – 140 mg/dL (90 minute fasting)
- 70 – 120 mg/dL (120 minute fasting)
- Glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c)
- 7% or lower (good control of diabetes)
- 7% to 8% (fair control of diabetes)
- Higher than 8 % (poor control of diabetes)
- Diabetes Mellitus autoantibody panel: Less than 1:4 titer with no antibody detected