Traits and Qualities of a Health Worker
- plans with the people, organizes, conducts, directs health education activities according to the needs of the community
- knowledgeable about everything relevant to his practice; has the necessary skills expected of him
Good listener
hears what’s being said and what’s behind the words
- always available for the participant to voice out their sentiments and needs
Keen observer
- keep an eye on the proceedings, process and participants’ behavior
- knows how to put in sequence or logical order the parts of the session
- uses available resources
Analytical/Critical thinker
- decides on what has been analyzed
- brings about issues in smooth subtle manner
- does not embarrass but gives constructive criticisms
- able to impart relevant, updated and sufficient input
- invites ideas, suggestions, criticisms
- involves people in decision making
- accepts need for joint planning and decision relative to health care in a particular situation; not resistant to change
Sense of humor
- knows how to place a touch of humor to keep audience alive
Change agent
- involves participants actively in assuming the responsibility for his own learning
- brings into consonance of harmony the community’s health care activities
- unbiased and fair in decision making
- able to cope with different situations