Therapeutic Diet
Clear- Liquid Diet
- Relieve thirst and help maintain fluid balance.
- Post-surgically and following acute vomiting or diarrhea.
Foods Allowed:
- carbonated beverages; coffee (caffeinated and decaff.); tea; fruit-flavored drinks; strained fruit juices; clear, flavored gelatins; broth, consomme; sugar; popsicles; commercially prepared clear liquids; and hard candy.
Foods Avoided:
- Milk and milk products, fruit juices with pulp, and fruit.
Full- Liquid Diet
- Provide an adequately nutritious diet for patients who cannot chew or who are too ill to do so.
- Acute infection with fever, GI upsets, after surgery as a progression from clear liquids.
Foods Allowed:
- clear liquids, milk drinks, cooked cereals, custards, ice cream, sherbets, eggnog, all strained fruit juices, creamed vegetable soups, puddings, mashed potatoes, instant breakfast drinks, yogurt, mild cheese sauce or pureed meat, and seasoning.
Foods Avoided:
- nuts, seeds, coconut, fruit, jam, and marmalade
Soft Diet
- Provide adequate nutrition for those who have troubled chewing.
- patient with no teeth or ill-fitting dentures; transition from full-liquid to general diet; and for those who cannot tolerate highly seasoned, fried or raw foods following acute infections or gastrointestinal disturbances such as gastric ulcer or cholelithiasis.
Foods Allowed:
- very tender minced, ground, baked broiled, roasted, stewed, or creamed beef, lamb, veal, liver, poultry, or fish; crisp bacon or sweet bread; cooked vegetables; pasta; all fruit juices; soft raw fruits; soft bread and cereals; all desserts that are soft; and cheeses.
Foods Avoided:
- coarse whole-grain cereals and bread; nuts; raisins; coconut; fruits with small seeds; fried foods; high fat gravies or sauces; spicy salad dressings; pickled meat, fish, or poultry; strong cheeses; brown or wild rice; raw vegetables, as well as lima beans and corn; spices such as horseradish, mustard, and catsup; and popcorn.
Sodium- Restricted Diet
- Reduce sodium content in the tissue and promote excretion of water.
- Heart failure, hypertension, renal disease, cirrhosis, toxemia of pregnancy, and cortisone therapy.
- Mildly restrictive 2 g sodium diet to extremely restricted 200 mg sodium diet.
Foods Avoided:
- Table salt; all commercial soups, including bouillon; gravy, catsup, mustard, meat sauces, and soy sauce; buttermilk, ice cream, and sherbet; sodas; beet greens, carrots, celery, chard, sauerkraut, and spinach; all canned vegetables; frozen peas;
- All baked products containing salt, baking powder, or baking soda; potato chips and popcorn; fresh or canned shellfish; all cheeses; smoked or commercially prepared meats; salted butter or margarine; bacon, olives; and commercially prepared salad dressings.
Renal Diet
- Control protein, potassium, sodium, and fluid levels in the body.
- Acute and chronic renal failure, hemodialysis.
Foods Allowed:
- High-biological proteins such as meat, fowl, fish, cheese, and dairy products range between 20 and 60 mg/day.
- Potassium is usually limited to 1500 mg/day.
- Vegetables such as cabbage, cucumber, and peas are lowest in potassium.
- Sodium is restricted to 500 mg/day.
- Fluid intake is restricted to the daily volume plus 500 mL, which represents insensible water loss.
- Fluid intake measures water in fruit, vegetables, milk and meat.
Foods Avoided:
- Cereals, bread, macaroni, noodles, spaghetti, avocados, kidney beans, potato chips, raw fruit, yams, soybeans, nuts, gingerbread, apricots, bananas, figs, grapefruit, oranges, percolated coffee, Coca-Cola, orange crush, sport drinks, and breakfast drinks such as Tang or Awake
High- Protein, High- Carbohydrate Diet
- To correct large protein losses and raises the level of blood albumin. May be modified to include lowfat, low-sodium, and low-cholesterol diets.
- Burns, hepatitis, cirrhosis, pregnancy, hyperthyroidism, mononucleosis, protein deficiency due to poor eating habits, geriatric patient with poor intake; nephritis, nephrosis, and liver and gall bladder disorder.
Foods Allowed:
- General diet with added protein.