Nursing Care of the Dying
Routine Procedures to be done as Symptoms of Approaching Death Develop:
- Notify the doctor.
- Notify relatives and friends.
- Call for priest or minister.
- Call supervisor and Headnurse.
- Provide privacy (by screening if in the ward).
- Warm the cooling extremities by the application of blankets and prevent draft.
- See that the bedding is light in weight and when the gown is wet with perspiration should be changed.
- Rub the skin gently with alcohol 70%
- Place patient in a comfortable position preferably on his side and support back with pillows with head part elevated.
- Turn him toward the light. Never, darken the room.
- Make the room airy.
- Give special care to the mouth. Relieve excessive dryness of the lips by applying mineral oil with cotton applicator.
- Give water on some refreshing liquid in Small amount at short interval.
- Speak distinctly and stand near the patient because the hearing become less acute.
- Place bedpan or urinal in position periodically. Protect beddings well.
- Avoid disagreeable odor.
- The nurse should stay with the patient as long as he shows signs of lie, except for short periods when he may want to be left with a friend, member of the family physician or minister.