Family Planning Program


  • The Philippine Family Planning Program is a national program that systematically provides information and services needed by women of reproductive age to plan their families according to their own beliefs and circumstances.
Goals and Objectives
  • Universal access to family planning information, education and services.
  • To provide the means and opportunities by which married couples of reproductive age desirous of spacing and limiting their pregnancies can realize their reproductive goals.
Types of Methods
  1. Calendar or Rhythm Method
  2. Basal Body Temperature Method
  3. Cervical Mucus Method
  4. Sympto-Thermal Method
  5. Lactational Amennorhea
  1. Chemical Methods
    1. Ovulation suppressant such as PILLS
    2. Depo-Provera
    3. Spermicidals
    4. Implant
  2. Mechanical Methods
    1. Male and Female Condom
    2. Intrauterine Device
    3. Cervical Cap/Diaphragm
  3. Surgical Methods
    1. Vasectomy
    2. Tubal Ligation
Warning Signs
  • Abdominal pain (severe)
  • Chest pain (severe)
  • Headache (severe)
  • Eye problems (blurred vision, flashing lights, blindness)
  • Severe leg pain (calf or thigh)
  • Others: depression, jaundice, breast lumps
  • Period late, no symptoms of pregnancy, abnormal bleeding or spotting
  • Abdominal pain during intercourse
  • Infection or abnormal vaginal discharge
  • Not feeling well, has fever or chills
  • String is missing or has become shorter or longer
  • Dizziness
  • Severe headache
  • Heavy bleeding
  • Fever
  • Weakness
  • Rapid pulse
  • Persistent abdominal pain
  • Vomiting
  • Dizziness
  • Pus or tenderness at incision site
  • Amenorrhea
  • Fever
  • Scrotal blood clots or excessive swelling