

  • Evaluation, the final step of the nursing process, is crucial to determine whether, after application of the nursing process, the client’s condition or well-being improves. The nurse applies all that is known about a client and the client’s condition, as well as experience with previous clients, to evaluate whether nursing care was effective. The nurse conducts evaluation measures to determine if expected outcomes are met, not the nursing interventions.
  • The expected outcomes are the standards against which the nurse judges if goals have been met and thus if care is successful.Providing health care in a timely, competent, and cost-effective manner is complex and challenging. The evaluation process will determine the effectiveness of care, make necessary modifications, and to continuously ensure favorable client outcomes.
  • Is assessment the client’s response to nursing interventions and then comparing that response to predetermined standards or outcome criteria.

Evaluation is defined as the judgment of the effectiveness of nursing care to meet client goals; in this phase nurse compare the client behavioral responses with predetermined client goals and outcome criteria. –CRAVEN 1996

Sample Case Study

Nursing Diagnosis : Impaired skin integrity related to physical mobility

Expected Outcomes : The patient will be able to get recovery of pressure sore.


  • Pressure sore dressing
    • Rationale: Cleansing the area will prevent further infection
  • Back care
    • Rationale: It will promote blood circulation
  • Change the position frequently
    • Rationale: It will put little pressure on the sore site
  • Encourage the patient to ambulate
    • Rationale: It will put little pressure on the sore site
  • Take protein rich diet
    • Rationale: Protein helps in repair of tissues

Evaluation : Wound healing was observed (tissues were red, healthy)

  1. Determine client’s behavioral response to nursing interventions.
  2. Compare the client’s response with predetermined outcome criteria.
  3. Appraise the extent to which client’s goals were attained.
  4. Assess the collaboration of client and health care team members.
  5. Identify the errors in the plan of care.
  6. Monitor the quality of nursing care.