Ectopic Pregnancy Nursing Care Management


  • Implantation of products of conception in a site other than the uterine cavity (e.g., fallopian tube, ovary, cervix, or peritoneal cavity.)
  • Ectopic pregnancy can result from conditions that hinder ovum passage through the fallopian tube and into the uterine cavity, such as:
    1. Salpingitis
    2. Diverticula
    3. Tumors
    4. Adhesions from previous surgery
    5. Transmission of the ovum from one ovary to the opposite fallopian tube.
  • The uterus is the only organ capable of containing and sustaining a pregnancy. When the fertilized ovum implants in other locations the body is unable to maintain the pregnancy.
Assessment Findings

1. Associated findings

  • Suspect ectopic pregnancy in a client whose history includes a missed menstrual period, spotting, or bleeding pelvic or shoulder pain, use of intrauterine device, pelvic infections, tubal surgery, or previous ectopic pregnancy.
  • Be aware of grief and lost manifestations in the client and family.

2. Common clinical manifestations. (The client with ectopic pregnancy may report signs and symptoms of a normal pregnancy or may have no symptoms at all.)

  • Dizziness and syncope (faintness)
  • Sharp abdominal pain and referred shoulder pain
  • Vaginal bleeding
  • Adnexal mass and tenderness
  • A ruptured fallopian tube can produce life –threatening complications, such as hemorrhage, shock, and peritonitis.

3. Laboratory and diagnostic study findings

  • Blood samples for hemoglobin value, blood type, and group, and crossmatch.
  • A pregnancy test reveals elevated serum quantitative beta hCG.
  • Ultrasound will confirm extrauterine pregnancy.