Diseases Common Signs and Symptoms

 Here are the comprehensive and most commonly used signs and symptoms of diseases to read ,review and contemplate for nurses reviewers and practitioners.

Name of DiseaseSigns and Symptoms
ACROMEGALYCoarse facial feature
ADDISON’S DISEASEbronze like skin pigmentation
ANGINACrushing stubbing pain relieved by NTG
APPENDICITISrebound tenderness
ASTHMAwheezing on expiration
BLADDER CApainless hematuria
BPHreduced size & force of urine
BULIMIAchipmunk face
CATARACTPainless vision loss, Opacity of the lens, blurring of vision
CHICKEN POXVesicular Rash (central to distal) dew drop on rose petal
CHOLERArice watery stool
CUSHING’S SYNDROMEmoon face appearance and buffalo hump.
CYSTITISburning on urination
DENGUEpetechiae or (+) Herman’s sign.
DIPTHERIApseudo membrane formation
DKAKussmauls breathing (Deep Rapid RR)
DMpolyuria, polydypsia, polyphagia
DOWN SYNDROMEprotruding tongue
DUCHENNE’S MUSCULAR DYSTROPHYGowers’ sign (use of hands to push one’s self from the floor)
DVTHoman’s Sign
EMPHYSEMAbarrel chest
EPIGLOTITIS3Ds’ Drooling, Dysphonia, Dysphagia
FIBRIN HYALINExpiratory Grunt
GERDBarretts esophagus (erosion of the lower portion of the esophageal mucosa)
GLAUCOMAPainfull vision loss, tunnel/gun barrel/halo vision (Peripheral Vision Loss)
Guillain Barre Syndromeascending muscle weakness
HODGKIN’S DSE/LYMPHOMApainless, progressive enlargement of spleen & lymph tissues, Reedstenberg Cells
HYDROCEPHALUSBossing sign (prominent forehead)
HYPOCALCEMIAChvostek & Trosseaus sign
INCREASE ICPHYPERtension BRADYpnea BRADYcardia (Cushing’s Triad)
INFECTIOUS MONONUCLEOSISHallmark: sore throat, cervical lymph adenopathy, fever
INTUSSUSCEPTIONsausage shaped mass, Dance Sign (empty portion of RLQ)
KAWASAKI SYNDROMEstrawberry tongue
LEPROSYlioning face
LIVER CIRRHOSISspider like varices
LTBinspiratory stridor
LYME’S DSEBull’s eye rash
MALARIAstepladder like fever with chills
MEASLESkoplik’s spots.
MENIERE’S DSEVertigo, Tinnitus
MENINGITISKernig’s sign (leg flex then leg pain on extension), Brudzinski sign (neck flex = lower leg flex).
MGdescending muscle weakness
MICrushing stubbing pain which radiates to left shoulder, neck, arms, unrelieved by NTG
MSCharcot’s Triad (IAN)
PANCREATITISCullen’s sign (ecchymosis of umbilicus); (+) Grey turners spots.
PARKINSON’SPill-rolling tremors
PDAmachine like murmur
PEMPHIGUS VULGARISNikolsky’s sign (separation of epidermis caused by rubbing of the skin)
PERNICIOUS ANEMIAred beefy tongue
PNEUMONIArusty sputum
PTBlow-grade afternoon fever
PYLORIC STENOSISolive like mass
RETINAL DETACHMENTVisual Floaters, flashes of light, curtain vision
RETINO BLASTOMACat’s eye reflex (grayish discoloration of pupils)
SHOCKHYPOtension TACHYpnea TACHYcardia
SLEbutterfly rashes
TEF4Cs’ Coughing, Choking, Cyanosis, Continous Drooling
TETANUSrisus sardonicus.
TETANYhypocalcemia (+) Trousseau’s sign/carpopedal spasm; Chvostek sign (facial spasm)
TYPHOIDrose spots in abdomen.
ULCERATIVE COLITISrecurrent bloody diarrhea