Community Health Nurse Roles and Functions


  1. Bachelor of Science in Nursing
  2. Registered Nurse of the Philippines
  1. Identifies needs, priorities, and problems of individuals, families, and communities
  2. Formulates municipal health plan in the absence of a medical doctor
  3. Interprets and implements nursing plan, program policies, memoranda, and circular for the concerned staff personnel
  4. Provides technical assistance to rural health midwives in health matters
Provider of Nursing Care
  1. Provides direct nursing care to sick or disabled in the home, clinic, school, or workplace
  2. Develops the family’s capability to take care of the sick, disabled, or dependent member
Community Organizer
  1. Motivates and enhances community participation in terms of planning, organizing, implementing, and evaluating health services
  2. Initiates and participates in community development activities
Coordinator of Services
  1. Coordinates with individuals, families, and groups for health related services provided by various members of the health team
  2. Coordinates nursing program with other health programs like environmental sanitation, health education, dental health, and mental health
Trainer/Health Educator
  1. Identifies and interprets training needs of the RHMs, Barangay Health Workers (BHW), and hilots
  2. Conducts training for RHMs and hilots on promotion and disease prevention
  3. Conducts pre and post-consultation conferences for clinic clients; acts as a resource speaker on health and health related services
  4. Initiates the use of tri-media (radio/TV, cinema plugs, and print ads) for health education purposes
  5. Conducts pre-marital counseling
Health Monitor
  • Detects deviation from health of individuals, families, groups, and communities through contacts/visits with them
Role Model
  • Provides good example of healthful living to the members of the community
Change Agent
  • Motivates changes in health behavior in individuals, families, groups, and communities that also include lifestyle in order to promote and maintain health
  1. Prepares and submits required reports and records
  2. Maintain adequate, accurate, and complete recording and reporting
  3. Reviews, validates, consolidates, analyzes, and interprets all records and reports
  4. Prepares statistical data/chart and other data presentation
  1. Participates in the conduct of survey studies and researches on nursing and health-related subjects
  2. Coordinates with government and non-government organization in the implementation of studies/research