Our Natural Resources - Worksheets

 CBSE Worksheet-01

CLASS - IV EVS – Our Natural Resources

Fill in the blanks:

1. The earth has ________ and ________ land and water

2. The solid part of the earth is the _________ land

3. The _________ earth’s crust is 30 to 40 km thick.

4. The _________ crust is the outer hard shell.

5. The earth’s crust is made up of _________ rocks

6. The formation of soil is due to _________ weathering of rocks

7. The top most layer of the earth’s crust forms __________ soil

8. The __________top soil is the outermost layer exposed to air.

9 .The __________sub-soil is the layer below the top soil.

10. ________ and _________Stones and rocks form the layer below sub-soil.

Answer the following:

1. Why the top soil is dark in colour?

2. Name the three layers of the earth’s crust.

3. How soil is formed?

4. Why plants grow only in top soil?

5. What is meant by soil erosion?

CBSE Worksheet-01
CLASS - IV EVS – Our Natural Resources

Fill in the blanks:
1. The earth has land and water.
2. The solid part of the earth is the land.
3. The earth’s crust is 30 to 40 km thick.
4. The crust is the outer hard shell.
5. The earth’s crust is made up of rocks.
6. The formation of soil is due to weathering of rocks.
7. The top most layer of the earth’s crust forms soil.
8. The top soil is the outermost layer exposed to air.
9. The sub soil is the layer below the top soil.
10. Stones and rocks form the layer below sub-soil.
Answer the Following:
1. The soil in this layer is mainly dark in colour due to the presence of humus.
2. a) Top soil – Outermost layer.
b) Sub soil – layer below the top soil.
c) Stones and rocks – layer below the sub soil.
3. Soil is formed due to weathering of rocks.
4. The top soil contains humus which makes soil fertile. So the plants grow only on top soil.
5. The process of wearing and carrying away the top soil by eroding agents like wind or water etc., is called soil erosion.