New Questions and Ideas - Worksheets

 CBSE Worksheet 01

Ch - 6 New Questions And Ideas

  1. Which of the following is not among the teachings of Buddha?
    1. The taught that this constant craving could be removed by the following moderation in everything.
    2. Life is full of happiness and we should always be happy.
    3. He also taught people to be kind and to respect the lives of others, including animals.
    4. He believed that the results of our actions (called karma), whether good or bad, affect us both in this life and the next.
  2. Satyakama Jabala was named after his mother, the ________ woman.
    1. Untouchable
    2. Wealthy
    3. Slave
    4. Learned
  3. The word ________ means a stage of life.
    1. Saint
    2. Aastha
    3. Stag
    4. Ashram
  4. Where did Buddha gain enlightenment?
    1. Takshila
    2. Bodh Gaya
    3. Sarnath
    4. Ujjain
  5. The followers of Jainism believe in ________.
    1. Law of performing sacrifices
    2. Law of life after death
    3. Law of Truth
    4. Law of Karma
  6. Match the following:
    Column AColumn B
    (i) Atman(a) Lachchivi prince
    (ii) Paramatman(b) Scholar
    (iii) Maitreyi(c) Ultimate reality
    (iv) Mahavira(d) Self
  7. Fill in the blanks:
    1. Jainism had _________ Tirthankaras.
    2. The Buddha got enlightenment at ________.
    3. The most famous was ________, who prepared a grammar for Sanskrit.
    4. The Buddha belonged to a small Gana called ________.
  8. State true or false:
    1. Gargi helped in the compilation of Upanishads.
    2. Brahma is regarded as the creator of the universe.
    3. The Upanishads are part of the Rigveda.
    4. Lord Buddha encouraged animal sacrifices.
  9. Name the founders of Buddhism and Jainism.
  10. Where did Buddha decide to find his own path to realisation?
  11. How did Mahavira spread his religion in spite of all the obstacles?
  12. Write important historical events against the following dates as per the chapter New questions and Ideas:
    1. about 2500 years ago
    2. about 1500 years ago.
  13. Why was Jainism formed?
  14. Discuss Jainism in detail.

CBSE Worksheet 01
Ch - 6 New Questions And Ideas


  1. (b) Life is full of happiness and we should always be happy
    Explanation: The Buddha taught that life is full of suffering and unhappiness. This is caused because we have cravings and desires (which often cannot be fulfilled).
  2. (c) Slave
    Explanation: Satyakama Jabala, who was named after his mother, the slave woman Jabali. He had a deep desire to learn about reality, was accepted as a student by a brahmin teacher named Gautama, and became one of the best-known thinkers of the time. 
  3. (d) Ashram
    Explanation: The word ashrama does not mean a place where people live and meditate. It is used instead for a stage of life.
  4. (b) Bodh Gaya
    Explanation: Buddha decided to find his own path to realisation, and meditated for days on end under a peepal tree at Bodh Gaya in Bihar, where he attained enlightenment. 
  5. (d) Law of Karma
    Explanation: The Jainism says everything happens due to the result of our past doings. You reap what you saw i.e The Law of Karma.
  6. (i) - (d), (ii) - (c), (iii) - (b), (iv) - (a).
    1. 24
    2. Bodha Gaya
    3. Panini
    4. Sakya
    1. True
    2. True
    3. False (Upanishads were part of the later Vedic texts.)
    4. False (Buddha taught people to be kind, and to respect the lives of others, including animals.)
  7. Buddhism was founded by Gautama Buddha and Jainism was founded by Vardhamana Mahavira.
  8. Buddha wandered for several years, meeting and holding discussions with other thinkers. He finally decided to find his own path to realisation and meditated for days on end under a peepal tree at Bodh Gaya in Bihar, where he attained enlightenment.
  9. After attaining the highest knowledge, Mahavira travelled widely in the country preaching the principles of Jainism for thirty years. In the country of Ladha, people attacked him with dogs. He received the support of royal families like King Bimbisara of Magadha who helped him in the spread of his religion. Ordinary people could understand the teachings of Mahavira and his followers because they used the Prakrit language.
  10. DatesEvents
    About 2500 years ago.Upanishadic thinkers, the Jain teacher, Mahavira and the Buddha lived and preached.
    About 1500 years ago.Writing down the Jain texts.
  11. Jainism was formed because of the following reasons:
    1. Jainism came about as a reaction to the ritualistic practices and rites of Brahmanism.
    2. The sacrifices prescribed by the priest were often at the cost of the agrarian section.
    3. Also, the Varna System by this time had become rigid. The lower Varnas especially the Shudras had no opportunity to improve their social or economic status.
      Jainism and Buddhism thus were reform movements that aimed to remove all these drawbacks.
  12. The word Jaina comes from the term Jina, meaning conqueror. The last and 24th Tirthankara of the Jainas, Vardhamana Mahavira, also spread his message around this time, i.e. 2500 years ago. He was a Kshatriya prince of the Lichchhavis, a group that was part of the Vajji sangha, about which you read in Chapter 5. At the age of thirty, he left home and went to live in a forest. For twelve years he led a hard and lonely life, at the end of which he attained enlightenment. He taught a simple doctrine: men and women who wished to know the truth must leave their homes. They must follow very strictly the rules of ahimsa, which means not hurting or killing living beings. “All beings,” said Mahavira “long to live. To all things life is dear.” Ordinary people could understand the teachings of Mahavira and his followers because they used Prakrit. There were several forms of Prakrit, used in different parts of the country, and named after the regions in which they were used. For example, the Prakrit spoken in Magadha was known as Magadhi. Followers of Mahavira, who were known as Jainas, had to lead very simple lives, begging for food. They had to be absolutely honest and were especially asked not to steal. Also, they had to observe celibacy. And men had to give up everything, including their clothes.