Means of Transport - Worksheets

 CBSE Worksheet-01

CLASS - IV EVS – Means of Transport

Complete the following comprehension using the clues given as pictures:

In olden days, man travelled on . It was very tiring and took a long time for him to reach far-off places. Then, he started using animals for travelling.  and  were used for travelling by water. Later on, people started using animal-driven carts.

People in villages and small towns uses slow moving vehicles like   etc. In desert areas, are used for transport.

People use  or  to travel far-off places within a country.

The means of transport used for travelling to other countries are:  and . Goods are transported from one place to another using .

CBSE Worksheet-01
CLASS - IV EVS – Means of Transport

In olden days, man travelled on foot. It was very tiring and took a long time for him to reach far-off places. Then, he started using animals for travelling. Boat  and ships were used for travelling by water. Later on, people started using animal-driven carts. People in villages and small towns uses slow moving vehicles like Tongabullock-cartsbicycle etc. In desert areas, camels are used for transport.

People use trainsbuses or aeroplanes to travel far-off places within a country. The means of transport used for travelling to other countries are: ship and aeroplane. Goods are transported from one place to another using aeroplaneshiptrain and goods truck.