Light Shadows and Reflections - Worksheets

 CBSE Worksheet-01

Class – VI Science (Light, Shadows and Reflections)

  1. Which one is a transparent object?
    a. Stone b. Reading glass c. Wax paper d. Dense fog
  2. Light is a form of
    a. Energy b. Power c. Mass d. Length
  3. Which of the following will not form circular shadow
    a. A circular disk b. Shoe box c. Ice-cream cone d. A ball
  4. Shadow is formed by
    a. Transparent object b. Translucent object c. Opaque object d. All of these.
  5. Match the following:
    Column AColumn B
    a. Mooni. Translucent
    b. Sunii. Opaque
    c. Brickiii. Reflecting surface
    d. Mirroriv. Luminous
    e. Tracing paperv. Non-luminous
  6. Fill in the blanks with suitable word.
    1. _________ object do not caste any shadow.
    2. Moon is a _________ object.
    3. Shadows give us information about the _________ of the object.
    4. Solar and Lunar eclipse are examples of _________ formation in nature.
    5. A _________ changes the direction of light that falls on it.
  7. When does a lunar eclipse occur?
  8. Distinguish between real and virtual image,
  9. What is lateral inversion?
  10. Classify the following as transparent, translucent and opaque object.
    Brick, butter paper, air, cardboard, metals, book, smoked glass, water, cellophane paper.

CBSE Worksheet-01
Class – VI Science (Light, Shadows and Reflections)

Answer key

  1. (b)
  2. (a)
  3. (b)
  4. (c)
  5. (a) – (v), (b) – (iv), (c) – (ii), (d) – (iii), (e) – (i).
  6. (a) Transparent (b) Non-luminous (c) Shape (d) Shadow (e) Mirror.
  7. A lunar eclipse occurs when the earth is between the sun and the moon in a straight line. The shadow of the earth is cast on the moon.
    1. A real image can be caught on a screen whereas a virtual image cannot be caught on a screen.
    2. A real image is always inverted whereas a virtual image is always erect.
    3. A real image is formed when the rays of light after reflection or refraction actually meet at some point whereas a virtual image is formed when the rays of light after reflection or refraction appear to meet at a point. 
  8. The appearance of left sided parts to right in plane mirror is called lateral inversion. When we write with right hand it appears left in mirror.
  9. TransparentTranslucentOpaque
    AirButter paperBrick
    WaterSmoked glassCardboard
    Cellophane paper Metals