Winds Storms and Cyclones - Worksheets
CBSE Worksheet 1
Class – VII Science (Winds, Storms and Cyclones)
- Cyclone is also known as
- Storms
- Tsunamis
- Hurricanes
- Thunder
- A wind vane is used to measure the
- Wind speed
- Wind direction
- Air pressure
- ir humidity
- Lightning is usually accompanied by
- Floods
- Earthquake
- Thunder
- Rain
- During flood drinking water should be
- Boiled
- Filtered
- Sedimented
- All of above
- Match the following
Column A Column B a. Increased wind speed i. Cyclone b. Flood ii. Typhoon c. Wind speed 170 km/hr iii. Lightening d. Benjamin Franklin iv. Reduced air pressure e. Philipines v. Shortage of drinking water Fill in the blanks.
- Wind at high speed results in -----------------, which can be highly destructive.
- Flood result from heavy ---------- and cyclones.
- Warm air being lighter rises and results in reduced ---------------.
- Cyclones are also known as ------------------.
- Air expands on --------------.
- What is wind? How does it blow?
- List some effects of flood?
- Why ventilators are made near the ceiling?
- Give one words for the following:
- Instrument used to measure wind direction.
- Sudden occurrence of light due to friction of clouds.
- Loud sound, it occurs with lighting.
- Submergence of land areas with water.
- Violent storms accompanied by high wind speed.
CBSE Worksheet 1
Class – VII Science (Winds, Storms and Cyclones)
Answer key
- c
- b
- c
- a
- (a) – (iv), (b) – (i), (c) – (ii), (d) – (iii), (e) –(v).
- Storms
- rain
- air pressure
- hurricanes
- heating.
- Moving air is called wind. At a slow speed it is pleasant, but when it blows at a high speed it can be destructive as it possesses a large amount of kinetic energy.
- Flood results in large scale damage to life and property. Severe injuries and breakdown of epidemics results from floods. Contamination of water causes shortage of drinking water.
- Ventilators are made near the ceiling for escape of hot air from the room as warm air is lighter than colder air. On heating air becomes lighter.
- Wind vane
- Lightning
- Thunder
- Flood
- Cyclone.