Triangles - Test Papers

 CBSE Test Paper 01

CH-7 Triangles

  1. If all the altitudes from the vertices to the opposite sides of a triangle are equal, then the triangle is

    1. Equilateral

    2. Isosceles

    3. Scalene

    4. Right-angled

  2. In the above quadrilateral ACBD, we have AC = AD and AB bisect the ∠A .Which of the following is true?

    1. ABC  ABD

    2. C = D

    3. All are true

    4. BC = BD

  3. AD is the median of the triangle. Which of the following is true? 

    1. AC + CD < AB

    2. AB + BD < AC

    3. AB + BC + AC > AD

    4.  AB + BC + AC > 2AD

  4. In the adjoining Figure, AB = AC and BD = CD. The ratio ABD : ACD is

    1. It is 1 : 1

    2. It is 1 : 2

    3. It is 2 : 3

    4. It is 2 : 1

  5. In the adjoining figure, ABCADC. If BAC = 30and ABC = 100 then ACD is equal to

    1. 50

    2. 80

    3. 30

    4. 60

  6. Fill in the blanks:

    In a ABC, AB =  5 cm, AC  = 5 cm and B equals to ________.

  7. Fill in the blanks:

    An angle is 4 time its complement, then the measure of the angle is ________.

  8. Find the measure of each exterior angle of an equilateral triangle.

  9. Compute the value of x of the following given figure:

  10. Prove that ABC is an isosceles, if Altitude AD bisects ∠BAC.

  11. In figure, if AB  DC and P is the mid-point of BD, prove that P is also the mid-point of AC.

  12. In Fig, it is given that AE = AD and BD = CE. Prove that AEBADC.

  13. In figure, AD = AE and D and E are points on BC such that BD = EC. Prove that AB = AC.

  14. Show that the difference of any two sides of a triangle is less than the third side.

  15. ABCD is quadrilateral such that AB = AD and CB = CD. Prove that AC is the perpendicular bisector of BD.

CBSE Test Paper 01
CH-7 Triangles


  1. (a) Equilateral
    Explanation: In an equilateral triangle all  the altitudes,sides, angles, perpendicular bisectors, medians and angular bisectors are equal.
  2. (c) All are true
    Explanation: In triangle ABC and ABD ,we have
    AC = AD
    AB = BAD 
    AB = AB
    By SAS ,we have
    ABC  ABD 
    Hence, we have BC = BD and C = D.
    So,all the given options are true.
  3. (d) AB + BC + AC > 2AD
    In triangle ADB 
    AB + BD > AD
    In triangle ADC
    AC+DC > AD
    Adding both
    AB + AC + BD + DC > 2AD
    Now BD + DC = BC
    So, AB + AC + BC > 2AD
  4. (a) It is 1 : 1
    In ABC
    AB = AC
    ∴ ABC = ACB(angles opposite to equal sides of a triangle are equal)......1
    in ΔDBC,
    DB = DC,
    ∴ DBC = DCB(angles opposite to equal sides of a triangle are equal)......2
    subtract 2 from 1
    ABC - DBC = ACB - DCB(equals subtracted from equals gives equal)
    ABD = ACD
    divide both the sides by ACD
     ABDACD = 1
     ABD : ACD = 1 : 1
  5. (a) 50
    Explanation: In triangle ABC, BAC = 30o and ABC = 100o (Given)
    BAC + ABC + BCA = 180o
    BCA = 50o
    Also ∠ACD = 50o (Since, △ABC≅△ADC)
  6. 65o

  7. 72

  8. ACF = ABC + BAC [ Exterior angle = sum of opposite interior angles]
     ACF = 60o + 60o = 120o
    Similarly, BAD = 120o and CBE = 120o 

  9. BAE = EDC = 52o (alternate angles)
     DEC = x = 180o - 40o - EDC  (because sum of all angles of a triangle is 180o)
    = 180o - 40o - 52o
    = 180o - 92o
    = 88o

  10. In ABD and ACD,
    ∠BAD = ∠CAD ...... [Given]
    AD = AD ...... [Common]
    ∠ADB = ∠ADC . . . [Each 90o]
    ABDACD = ...... [ASA axiom]
     AB = AC . . . .[c.p.c.t.]
     ABC is an isosceles triangle.

  11. AB  DC and DB intersect them
    BDC = DBA ...[Alternate angles]
    In DPDC and D PBA
    PD = PB ...[As P is the mid-point of BD]
    PDC = PBA ...[As proved above]
    DPC = BPA ...[Vertically opposite angles]
    DPDC  DPBA ...[By ASA property]
    PC = PA ...[c.p.c.t.]
     P is the mid-point of AC.

  12. Given: AE = AD and BD = CE.
    To Prove : △AEB≅△ADC
    Proof: We have
    AE = AD and CE = BD
     AE + CE = AD + BD ..... (i)
     AC = AB ...(ii)
    Thus, Consider AEB and ΔADC, we have
    AE = AD [Given]
    EAB=DAC [Common]
    and, AC = AB [ From (ii)]
    AEBADC [ by SAS criterion ]
    Hence proved

  13. In ADE,
    AD = AE . . . [Given]
    ∠AED = ∠ADE . . . .[∠s opposite to equal side of a ADE ]
    180o – ∠AED = 180o – ∠ADE
    ∠AEC = ∠ADB
    In ADB and AEC,
    AD = AE . . . [Given]
    BD = EC . . . [Given]
    ∠ADB = ∠AEC . . . .[From (1)]
    ADBAEC ........ [By SAS property]
     AB = AC ....... [c.p.c.t]

  14. To Prove:

    Construction: Take a point D on AC such that AD = AB. Join BD.

    Proof: In ABD, side AD has been produced to C.
     3 > 1 [ Exterior angle of a  is greater than each of interior opp. angle] ...(i)
    In BCD, side CD has been produced to A.
     2 > 4 [ Exterior angle of a  is greater than each of interior opp. angle] ...(ii)
    In ABD, we have
    AB = AD
     2 = 1 [Angles opp. to equal sides are equal] ...(iii)
    From (i) and (iii), we get
    3 > 2 ...(iv)
    From (ii) and (iv), we get
    3 > 2 and 2 > 4
     3 > 4
     BC > CD [Side opp to greater angle is larger]
     CD < BC
     AC - AD < BC
     AC - AB < BC [ AD = AB]
    Similarly, BC - AC < AB and BC - AB < AC

    1. AC - AB < BC
    2. BC - AC < AB
    3. BC - AB < AC
  15. Given: ABCD is a quadrilateral . AB = AD & CB = CD
    To prove: AC is the perpendicular bisector of BD.

    Let diagonals AC & BD intersect at O.
    Let, BAC=1DAC=2AOB=3 and AOD=4

    In ∆ABC & ∆ADC, we have :-
    AB = AD [Given]
    BC = CD [Given]
    AC = AC [Common side]
    So, By SSS criterion of congruency of triangles , we have


    1=2 [CPCT]

    Now, in ΔAOB and ΔAOD , we have :-

    AB = AD  [Given]

    1=2 [Proved above]

    AO = AO [Common side]

    So, By SAS criterion of congruency of triangles , we have :-


    BO=DO [CPCT]

    And 3=4 [CPCT]

    But, 3+4=180o [Linear pair axiom]



     AC is perpendicular bisector of BD.  [3=90 and BO = DO]
    Hence, proved.