Reproduction in Plants - Worksheets

 CBSE Worksheet -01

Class – VII Science (Reproduction in Plants)

  1. Reproductive parts of a plant is the
    (a) Root (b) Flower (c) Stem (d) Leaf
  2. The process of fusion of the female and the male gametes are called
    (a) Fertilization (b) Seed formation (c) Reproduction (d) Layering
  3. In the flowering plants, male gametes are formed inside the
    (a) Pistil (b) Ovary (c) Ovule (d) Anther
  4. The mature ovary forms the
    (a) Seed (b) Pistil (c) Fruit (d) Stamen
  5. Match the following :-
    Column AColumn B
    (a) Stems(i) Maple
    (b) Spores(ii) Yeast
    (c) Bud(iii) Potato
    (d) Wings(iv) Rose
    (e) Eyes(v) Bread mould
  6. Fill in the blanks with suitable words :-
    1. Binary fission is seen in ________.
    2. The male reproductive part of flower is __________.
    3. The male gametes and the female gamete join to form a single cell called _______.
    4. _________ is ripened ovary.
    5. Potato is a modified _________.
  7. What is pollination? Name two types of pollination.
  8. What is vegetative reproduction? Write its advantages.
  9. Write the difference between asexual and sexual reproduction?
  10. Name the type of asexual reproduction in the following organisms :-
    (a) Yeast (b) Bread mould (c) Rose (d) Banana (e) Spirogyra

CBSE Worksheet-01
Class – VII Science (Reproduction in Plants)
Answer key

  1. (b)
  2. (a)
  3. (d)
  4. (c)
  5. (a)–(iv), (b)–(v), (c)--(ii), (d)–(i), (e)–(iii).
  6. (a) Bacteria (b) stamen (c) zygote (d) Fruit (e) stem.
  7. The process of transferring the pollen grains from anther to stigma of the same or different flower is called pollination. Two types of pollination are:- a. Self-pollination b. Cross pollination.
  8. Vegetative reproduction is an asexual method of reproduction where new plants are produced from vegetative parts of the parent plant such as root, stem or leaf. The advantages of vegetative reproduction are:- i.The plants that donot produce seeds can reproduce. ii.It is a fast method of reproduction as only one parent involved so pollinaton not needed. iii.Plants with desirable characteristics can be propagated easily as offspring are exact copies of the parent.
  9. The mode of reproduction in which single parent is involved and no gamete formation takes place is called asexual reproduction. The mode of reproduction in which fusion of male and female gametes takes place which involves two parents are called sexual reproduction.
  10. Types of reproduction are :-
    1. Budding
    2. Spore formation
    3. Stem cutting
    4. Underground stem
    5. Fragmentation.