English Word Power Development
Given below is a list of words placed in alphabetical order. Each word is followed by a few of its synonyms. Note these words whenever you come across them. You should be familiar with most of the words for which synonyms are given if you have done all the exercises till this point thoroughly. So, this list will be giving you synonyms for the words which you know. Thus learning will be easier.
Words Starting with A
Abandon | Leave, desert, forsake |
Abase | Degrade, disgrace, humiliate |
Abhor | Hate, loathe, detest |
Abridge | Shorten, abbreviate |
Absolute | Unalterable, unrestricted, unconditional |
Absurd | Ridiculous, silly, foolish |
Abundant | Ample, plentiful |
Accessory | Additional, auxiliary, subsidiary |
Adept | Proficient, skilled, expert |
Adherent | Follower, stickler |
Adhesive | Sticky, glue, gum |
Admire | Praise, adore, esteem |
Adore | Respect, idolise, worship, admire |
Adversity | Misery, misfortune |
Affliction | Distress, sorrow, sadness |
Alien | Foreign, stranger, unknown |
Alive | Lively, vivacious, living |
Alleviate | Relieve, lighten, ease |
Alms | Gratuity, donation, grant |
Amend | Improve, change, emend |
Amicable | Suitable, friendly, lovable, amiable |
Anxiety | Eagerness, misgiving, worry |
Apathy | Indifference, neutrality |
Appalling | Terrific, terrifying, dreadful, horrible |
Apposite | Apt, suitable, well chosen |
Appraise | Evaluate, estimate |
Apprehend | Seize, fear, arrest |
Arbitrary | Despotic, wayward |
Assent | Agree, consent, acquiesce |
Astonish | Astound, surprise, amaze, bewilder |
Audacious | Bold, courageous, daring |
Aversion | Dislike, detestation, hostility, hatred |
Words Starting with B
Base | Mean, low, ignoble |
Beg | Implore, ask, beseech, solicit |
Behaviour | Conduct, deportment, way, demeanour |
Brave | Courageous, intrepid, bold, daring, valiant |
Brisk | Active, fast, quick, busy, alert |
Brittle | Frail, fragile |
Brutal | Animal, savage, beastly, cruel |
Burglar | Thief, bandit, brigand, stealer |
Bystander | Spectator, onlooker, beholder |
Words Starting with C
Calculate | Estimate, count, reckon, compute |
Callous | Hard, indifferent, cold-blooded |
Calm | Cool, confident, quiet, serene, tranquil |
Cancel | Annual, withdraw, revoke, delete |
Candid | Sincere, straightforward. frank |
Captive | Prisoner, confined, jailed, bonded |
Cause | Make, originate, induce, generate, create |
Censor | Cut off, prohibit, ban |
Censure | Blame, condemn, reprove, reprimand |
Character | Letter, emblem, type, OR nature, disposition, quality |
Charity | Philanthropy, benevolence |
Chaste | Pure, immaculate, virgin, refined |
Chatter | Babble, ramble, talk, discourse |
Cheat | Defraud, gull, outwit, dupe |
Cite | Quote, mention, name, adduce |
Clothes | Apparel, attire, dress, garb |
Colossal | Huge, gigantic, enormous, big |
Commence | Begin, start |
Commensurate | Equivalent, suitable, applicable, proportionate |
Conceal | Hide, cover, shelter, disguise |
Confess | Admit, acknowledge, reveal, agree |
Confuse or confound | Mix, perplex, astonish, Amaze, bewilder |
Consequent | Following, resultant, outcome |
Conspiracy | Plot, intrigue, treason |
Convict | Felon, culprit, criminal, guilty |
Cowardly | Craven, dastardly, fearful, poltroon |
Coy | Modest, shy, reserved |
Crafty | Artful, adroit, dexetrous, cunning, deceitful |
Crazy | Mad, insane, silly |
Credence | Belief, faith, trust, confidence |
Crisis | Turning point, emergency, decisive moment |
Criterion | Test, touchstone, standard, yardstick |
Criticism | Analysis, review, stricture |
Cruel | Brutal, unmerciful, beastly, savage |
Cynical | Captious, incredulous, sarcastic, morose |
Words Starting with D
Danger | Hazard, risk, peril |
Dash | Run, rush, fly |
Dastardly | Cowardly, invaliant, afraid, fearful |
Dawn | Daybreak, appear, (sunrise), begin |
Deadly | Fatal, lethal, destructive |
Dearth | Scarcity, lack, want |
Debase | Degrade, defame, disparage, humiliate |
Decay | Decompose, rot, decline in power, wealth, waste, wither, fade |
Decease | Death, demise, end |
Deceit | Fraud, cheating, forgery |
Decipher | Translate, interpret, solve, explain |
Decorum | Decency, etiquette, propriety, gravity |
Decree | Law, edict, ordinance, mandate, judgement |
Defamation | Calumny, disparagement, debasement |
Defection | Abandonment, desertion |
Defer | Postpone, delay |
Deference | Respect, reverence, honour |
Deformity | Disfigurement, malformation, ugliness |
Dejected | Depressed, distressed, downhearted, downcast |
Delectable | Charming, delightful, pleasant |
Delegate | Commission, depute, authorise |
Deliberate | Knowingly done, intentional, forcible |
Delicacy | Softness, nicety,slenderness, refinement, purity |
Delusion | Illusion, fancy, error, false belief |
Demeanour | Behaviour, conduct, bearing |
Demise | Death, decease |
Demolish | Break, destroy, annihilate |
Demure | Modest, coy, humane |
Denomination | Name, appellation, designation |
Denounce | Accuse, malign, criticise, defame, condemn |
Deny | Contradict, refuse, disavow, withhold |
Deride | Ridicule, mock, taunt |
Descant | Discourse, expatiate, enlarge |
Desire | Wish, long for, crave, covet |
Desolate | Lonely, deserted, solitary, devastated |
Despise | Condemn, dislike |
Despondency | Despair, dejection,hopelessness |
Despotic | Arbitrary, tyrannical, illegal |
Destitute | Needy, poor, miserable, indigent |
Destruction | Ruin, demolition, ravage |
Detain | Lock in, arrest, hold, custody |
Detest | Despise, abhor, dislike |
Dethrone | Depose, remove (from office) |
Devastate | Ruin, demolition, ravage |
Devoid | Lacking, empty, vacant |
Devout | Religious, reverent |
Dexterity | Adroitness, cleverness, skill |
Diabolical | Fiendish, devilish, wicked |
Diatribe | Tirade, denunciation |
Dictatorial | Tyrannical, arbitrary, despotic |
Diffident | Hesitating, doubtful, distrusting |
Digression | Excursion, deviation, misguidance |
Diligence | Care, industry, effort |
Dire | Terrible, awful, horrible; miserable |
Disapprove | Condemn, reject, disallow |
Disavow | Deny, refuse |
Disciple | Follower, learner, student |
Disclose | Reveal, tell, uncover, divulge |
Disconsolate | Sad, cheerless, miserable |
Discredit | Disbelieve, doubt, disgrace |
Disgust | Abhorrence, dislike, detestation |
Dismay | Disappointment,discouragement |
Disorder | Disease, illness, OR untidiness, uncleanliness |
Disown | Disclaim, deny, renounce |
Disparage | Debase, decry, defame |
Dispose | Adjust, arrange, incline |
Dispute | Argument, controversy, altercation |
Disregard | Neglect, overlook,disrespect |
Dissolute | Corrupt, mean, lax, licentious |
Distaste | Abhorrence, dislike, detestation |
Distorted | Blurred, maligned, changed, disguised, deformed, misrepresented |
Distress | Affliction, depression, misery |
Divert | Turn aside, deflect, deviate |
Divine | Heavenly, metaphysical, godlike |
Divulge | Reveal, uncover, disclose |
Docile | Amenable, tractable, submissive |
Doctrine | Precept, principle, teaching |
Dogmatic | Categorical, authoritative, firm, preachy |
Dolt | Blockhead, stupid, fool, idiot, dullard |
Domicile | Dwelling, home, residence |
Dotage | Senility, imebcility |
Downright | Simple, unquestionable, blunt, frank |
Dread | Apprehend, fear |
Drench | Soak, wet |
Drowsy | Sleepy, comatose, lazy, lethargic |
Dubious | Suspicious, doubtful, unreliable |
Ductile | Pliant, yielding, flexible |
Dupe | Cheat, befool, steal |
Dwindle | Shrink, diminish, decrease |
Words Starting with E
Earnest | Eager, ardent, intent,anxious, sincere |
Eccentric | Irregular, anomalous, abnormal, odd |
Economise | Save, retrench |
Ecstasy | Trance, enchantment, rapture |
Efface | Blot out, obliterate, destroy |
Effeminate | Womanly, weak, unmanly |
Efficacy | Energy, virtue, potence |
Egotistic | Self-centered, egoist, self-conceited |
Egregious | Conspicuously bad, sinful, monstrous, shocking |
Elaborate | Explain, discuss, elucidate |
Elevated | Elated, promoted, upgraded, risen |
Eliminate | Remove, replace, dismiss, discard |
Eloquence | Oratory, rhetoric, finery (of speech) fluency of expression |
Emanate | Originate, proceed, spring, issue |
Emancipate | Free, deliver, liberate |
Embarrass | Vex, confuse, entangle |
Embezzle | Steal, peculate, cheat |
Embody | Incorporate, include, comprise |
Emolument | Salary, wage, remuneration |
Emulate | Compete, rival, vie against, copy |
Enchant | Charm, bewitch, hypnotise |
Encompass | Surround, encircle |
Encounter | Come across, combat, fight |
Encroach | Trespass, intrude, invade |
Endeavour | Attempt, effort, aspiration |
Endorse | Back, approve, ratify |
Endurance | Patience, continuance, fortitude |
Enfranchise | Liberate, free, (also: give right to vote) |
Enlighten | Illuminate, edify, elaborate |
Enmity | Hostility, hatred, animosity |
Enormous | Big, huge, colossal, gigantic |
Enrage | Infuriate, madden, incense, irritate |
Ensue | Succeed, follow, result |
Entangle | Ravel, involve, perplex |
Enterprise | Undertaking, venture, endeavour |
Enthusiasm | Zeal, ardour, interest |
Entice | Allure, tempt, seduce, attract |
Entreat | Beseech, implore, beg |
Entwine | Encircle, surround, encompass |
Enumerate | Count, number one by one |
Enunciate | Declare, publish, propound, reveal |
Envoy | Legate, messenger, ambassador |
Epoch | Era, time, age |
Equivocal | Doubtful, Ambiguous, uncertain |
Eradicate | Root out, extirpate, annihilate |
Erroneous | Wrong, false |
Erudite | Learned, scholarly, lettered |
Esteem | Admire, appreciate, adore, respect |
Eulogy | Laudation, praise, extolling, felicitation |
Evidence | Testimony, proof, witness |
Evince | Show, manifest, demonstrate |
Exact | Extort, oppress, loot |
Exaggerate | Amplify, overstate |
Excerpt | Extract, quotations |
Exile | Expulsion, banishment, expatriation |
Exonerate | Acquit, absolve, release |
Exorbitant | Excessive, too much, very high |
Extinguish | Quench, terminate, destroy, put out |
Extravagant | Excessive, lavish, stylish |
Exuberant | Abundant, plentiful |
Exult | Triumph, rejoice, delight |
Words Starting with F
Fable | Story, legend, myth, fiction |
Fabricate | Construct, forge, invent |
Fabulous | Fictitious, mythical, exaggerated |
Facile | Fluent, ready, glib (of writing), pliable, docile, tractable |
Faction | Clique, cabal, discord, section |
Fallacy | Deception, illusion, mistake |
Falter | Waver, hesitate, delay, flounder |
Famine | Hunger, starvation, scarcity of food |
Fanatical | Bigoted, enthusiastic |
Fancy | Liking, conception, craving, whim |
Farcical | Droll, comic, extravagant |
Fascinate | Charm, bewitch, attract |
Fastidious | Particular, over-nice, squeamish |
Fatal | Deadly, lethal, mortal |
Fatigue | Weakness, exhaustion, tiredness |
Feeble | Weak, frail, dim |
Felicitate | Congratulate, compliment |
Felicity | Joy, happiness, good luck |
Felon | Criminal, sinner, guilty, bandit |
Ferment | Excite, agitate |
Ferocity | Fierceness, vehemence, fanaticism |
Fervent | Glowing, heated, impassioned |
Fervour | Warmth, glow, vehemence |
Festivity | Gaiety, merry-making |
Fetter | Shackle, bind, imprison |
Feud | Dispute, broil, strife |
Fickle | Changeable, vacillating, varying |
Fiendish | Devilish, diabolical, malignant |
Figurative | Typical, imaginative, emblematic, metaphorical |
Filthy | Dirty, foul, nasty |
Fissure | Crevice, rift, narrow opening |
Flaccid | Soft, loose, weak |
Flatter | Adore, please, praise |
Fleece | Rob, despoil, cheat |
Flexible | Variable, pliable, changeable |
Flimsy | Transparent, thin, trivial, tenuous |
Flounder | Stumble, falter, wallow, struggle |
Fluctuate | Undulate, waver, vacillate |
Flutter | Flip, quiver, ruffle, agitate |
Folly | Absurdity, silliness, imprudence, foolishness |
Fondle | Caress, touch, rub |
Foray | Incursion, inroad, venture |
Forbearance | Abstaining, refraining |
Forbid | Prohibit, disallow, debar |
Forebode | Betoken, indicate, augur |
Forlorn | Disconsolate, cheerless, distressed, abandoned, lonely |
Formidable | Dreadful, difficult, hard to overcome |
Fragile | Weak, feeble, slender, delicate |
Fragrant | Odorous, balmy, soothing |
Frailty | Weakness, delicacy,fragileness |
Frantic | Frenzied, mad, distracted |
Fraudulent | Dishonest, cheating, deceitful |
Fray | Battlefield, combat, brawl |
Frisk | Skip, dance, caper, frolic |
Frivolous | Vain, foolish, trivial |
Frugal | Economical, thrifty |
Futile | Useless, hopeless, in vain |
ords Starting with G
Gaiety | Hilarity, jollity, festivity |
Gainsay | Contradict, dispute, controvert, deny |
Gallantry | Courage, bravery, heroism |
Garbage | Filth, waste, useless, throwaway, trash |
Garner | Accumulate, collect, gather |
Garrulous | Prattling, chattering |
Gawky | Awkward, clumsy |
Gay | Happy, merry, joyous |
Generous | Noble, magnanimous, kind, liberal |
Genteel | Well-bred, well-cultured, polite, refined |
Genuine | True, authentic, real |
Ghastly | Horrible, horrifying, horrific |
Ghost | Phantom, spirit, spectre |
Glimmer | Shine, flash, gleam |
Glimpse | Glance, (quick) look, (brief) view |
Glisten | Shine, beam, glow |
Gloom | Depression, melancholy, loneliness |
Glutinous | Sticky, viscous |
Gluttonous | Greedy, gorging, voracious |
Grandeur | Splendour, magnificence, glory |
Grapple | Grasp, clutch, seize |
Gratification | Satisfaction, enjoyment |
Gravity | Seriousness, importance, calmness |
Greed | Avarice, ravenous, envious, covetous |
Grievance | Hardship, complaint, trouble |
Grotesque | Horrifying, contorted, bizzare, whimsical |
Grudge | Grievance, begrudge, resent |
Gullible | Simple, easy, pliable, credulous |
Words Starting with H
Hallucination | Delusion, illusion, nightmare |
Hamper | Impede, block, fetter, bind |
Hapless | Unfortunate, unlucky |
Harangue | a lengthy speech, oration |
Hardship | Trouble, adversity, difficulty |
Haughty | Arrogant, overbearing, imperious |
Havoc | Devastation, destruction, ruin |
Hearty | Sincere, warm, ardent |
Heave | Raise, lift |
Hedge | Fence, hem |
Heed | Advise, note, consider, mind |
Heinous | Atrocious, odious, wicked |
Hem | Border, edge, fringe, outskirt |
Herculean | Colossal, laborious, excessive |
Heterogeneous | Dissimilar, unlike, different, diverse, varied |
Hideous | Terrific, horrible, filthy |
Hilarious | Exceedingly, funny, boisterously merry, amusing, joyous |
Hindrance | Impediment, hampering, obstruction, obstacle |
Histrionic | Theatrical, dramatic |
Hoax or Humbug | Dupe, cheat, befool |
Homage | Deference, salute, worshipping |
Horizon | Verge, limit, skyline |
Hostile | Adverse, opposing, inimical |
Hover | remain in one place in the air, remain suspended, linger |
Humane | Compassionate, caring, bvenevolent |
Humiliate | Abase, insult, mock, defy |
Humorous | Amusing, laughable, comical |
Hypocrisy | Pretence, imposture, deceit |
Words Starting with I
Idolise | Adore, worship, admire |
Illegal or Illicit | Unlawful, prohibited |
Illogical | Inconsequent, irrational |
Imitate | Copy, follow, mimic, emulate |
Immaculate | Spotless, stainless, perfect |
Immature | Crude, childish, unseasoned |
Imminent | Impending, near, due, threatening |
Immodest | Indecent, indelicate, unchaste |
Immortal | Everlasting, undying, endless |
Impassioned | Fervent, frenzied, fanatical |
Impeachment | Imputation, accusation |
Implicit | Implied, assumed, inferred |
Impostor | Cheat, conman, charlatan |
Impracticable | Impossible, (merely) theoretical |
Impressive | Striking, affecting, extraordinary |
Impunity | Exemption (from punishment) |
Inane | Empty, silly, idiotic |
Inarticulate | Voiceless, indistinct, inexpressive |
Incense | Infuriate, enrage, anger |
Incessant | Unceasing, continual |
Incognito | (Identity) Concealed, secretly, stealthily |
Inculcate | Instil, enforce, pass on, generate |
Inculpate | Blame, incriminate |
Incumbent | Compulsory, obligatory, binding |
Incursion | Inroad, foray, venture |
Indefatigable | Tireless, assiduous |
Indict | Accuse, charge |
Indiscriminate | Mixed, undistinguished, confused, wanton |
Indolence | Apathy, inactivity, laziness, sluggishness, lethargy |
Industrious | Busy, active, tireless |
Inevitable | Unavoidable, certain, sure |
Inexorable | Relentless, indefatigable |
Infallible | Unfailing, unerring, certain |
Infectious | Catching, contaminating, corrupting, transmittable |
Infer | Gather, conclude, deduce |
Influence | Authority, effect, power |
Infringe | Break, violate, transgress, encroach |
Ingredient | Constituent, component, element |
Inherent | Inborn, innate, built-in |
Inhibition | Restraint, check |
Iniquitous | Unjust, wrong, unfair |
Initiate | Start, begin, inchoate |
Innocuous | Harmless, mild, innocent |
Insanity | Madness, lunacy, mania |
Insidious | Deceitful, treacherous |
Instantaneous | Immediate, Sudden, quick |
Instigate | Arouse, misguide, provoke |
Intact | Untouched, unscathed, whole, unbroken, undamaged, unimpaired, entire |
Integrity | Oneness, entirety, completeness, honesty, wholeness, soundness |
Intellectual | Intelligent, rational, learned |
Intentional | Deliberate, intended, |
Intercourse | Intimacy, association, communication |
Intermission | Suspension, stoppage, pause, cessation, interval |
Intervene | Interpose, mediate |
Intimate | Close, tender, friendly or informal, advertise, inform |
Intolerable | Unendurable, unbearable |
Intransigent | Uncompromising, inflexible |
Intrepid | Brave, fearless |
Intricate | Complex, difficult, complicated |
Intuition | Insight, premonition, instinct |
Inveterate | Habitual, deep-rooted |
Involuntary | Compulsory, unwilled, reflex |
Irksome | Annoying, disagreeable, tedious |
Irresolute | Wavering, confused, vacillating |
Itinerant | Travelling (on a circuit), wandering, nomadic |
Words Starting with J, K and L
Jaded | Tired, weary |
Jargon | cant, technical language, gibberish |
Jocose | Jocular, humorous |
Jocular | Inclined to joke. |
Jovial | Merry. |
Judicious | Prudent. |
Juxtaposition | Closeness, nearness |
Kiosk | Stand (open on one side), booth |
Knead | Work up (into dough), press, squeeze |
Lacerate | Tear (tissue toughly), mangle |
Lachrymose | Given to shedding tears. |
Lackadaisical | Listless. |
Laconic | (Briskly) Short, concise, pithy |
Languid | Listless, spiritless |
Languish | Die (with hunger or desire), weaken, droop |
Lascivious | Lustful. |
Lassitude | Weariness, tiredness |
Latent | Hidden, concealed |
Laudable | Praiseworthy. |
Legacy | A bequest. |
Legitimate | Genuine, lawful |
Levity | Frivolity. |
Libel | Defamation. |
Licentious | Wanton. |
Lithe | Supple. |
Loquacious | Talkative. |
Lustrous | Shining. |
Words Starting with M and N
Malaise | A condition of uneasiness or ill-being. |
Malevolence | Ill will. |
Malleable | Pliant. |
Mawkish | Sickening or insipid. |
Mellifluous | Sweetly or smoothly flowing. |
Mendacious | Untrue. |
Mendicant | A beggar. |
Mesmerize | To hypnotize. |
Meticulous | Over-cautious. |
Mettle | Courage. |
Mien | The external appearance or manner of a person. |
Moderation | Temperance. |
Modicum | A small or token amount. |
Mollify | To soothe. |
Mordant | Biting. |
Moribund | On the point of dying. |
Morose | Gloomy. |
Multifarious | Having great diversity or variety. |
Mundane | Worldly, as opposed to spiritual or celestial. |
Munificent | Extraordinarily generous. |
Myriad | A vast indefinite number. |
Nadir | The lowest point. |
Nefarious | Wicked in the extreme. |
Negligent | Apt to omit what ought to be done. |
Neophyte | Having the character of a beginner. |
Noxious | Hurtful. |
Nugatory | Having no power or force. |
Words Starting with O
Obdurate | Impassive to feelings of humanity or pity. |
Obfuscate | To darken; to obscure. |
Oblique | Slanting; said of lines. |
Obstreperous | Boisterous. |
Odious | Hateful. |
Odium | A feeling of extreme repugnance, or of dislike and disgust. |
Ominous | Portentous. |
Onerous | Burdensome or oppressive. |
Onus | A burden or responsibility. |
Words Starting with P
Palate | The roof of the mouth. |
Palatial | Magnificent. |
Palliate | To cause to appear less guilty. |
Palpable | Perceptible by feeling or touch. |
Panoply | A full set of armor. |
Paragon | A model of excellence. |
Pariah | A member of a degraded class; a social outcast. |
Paroxysm | A sudden outburst (of any kind of activity). |
Paucity | Fewness. |
Pellucid | Translucent. |
Penchant | A bias in favor of something. |
Penurious | Excessively sparing in the use of money. |
Penury | Indigence. |
Peremptory | Precluding question or appeal. |
Perfidy | Treachery. |
Perfunctory | Half-hearted. |
Peripatetic | Walking about. |
Perjury | A solemn assertion of a falsity. |
Permeate | To pervade. |
Pernicious | Tending to kill or hurt. |
Persiflage | Banter. |
Perspicacity | Acuteness or discernment. |
Perturbation | Mental excitement or confusion. |
Petulant | Displaying impatience. |
Phlegmatic | Not easily roused to feeling or action. |
Pique | To excite a slight degree of anger in. |
Plea | An argument (to obtain some desired action). |
Plenary | Entire. |
Plethora | Excess; superabundance. |
Poignant | Severely painful or acute to the spirit. |
Polyglot | Speaking several tongues. |
Ponderous | Unusually weighty or forcible. |
Portent | Anything that indicates what is to happen. |
Pragmatic | Practical(values), empirical |
Precarious | Critical, dangerous |
Preclude | To prevent. |
Precocious | Advanced (in development), overforward, premature |
Predilection | Preference, partiality, inclination |
Predominate | To be chief in importance, quantity, or degree. |
Preposterous | (Very) Absurd, ridiculous |
Prerogative | (Special) Right, privilege |
Presage | To foretell. |
Prescience | Knowledge of events before they take place. |
Preternatural | Extraordinary. |
Prim | Stiffly proper. |
Pristine | Primitive. |
Probity | Virtue or integrity tested and confirmed. |
Proclivity | A natural inclination. |
Procrastination | Delay. |
Prodigious | Large, immense |
Profligate | Immoral, wanton, reckless, dissolute, licentious |
Profuse | Produced or displayed in overabundance. |
Prolix | Verbose. |
Promiscuous | Indiscriminate, impure, casual |
Propinquity | Nearness, proximity |
Propitious | Kindly disposed. |
Prosaic | Unimaginative. |
Protagonist | Leading character), hero(ine) |
Providential | Fortunate, lucky |
Prudence | Caution. |
Puerile | Childish. |
Pugnacious | Quarrelsome. |
Puissant | Powerful, influential, mighty |
Punctilious | Exact (in formalities), ceremonious, conscientious |
Pungency | The quality of affecting the sense of smell. |
Pusillanimous | Without spirit or bravery. |
Putrefy | Decay, rot, decompose |
Pyre | A heap of combustibles arranged for burning a dead body. |
Words Starting with Q
Qualm | A fit of nausea. |
Quandary | Doubt, dilemma, plight |
Quibble | An utterly trivial distinction or objection. |
Quiescence | Being quiet, still, or at rest; inactive |
Quirk | Twist, quibble, deviation |
Quixotic | (Foolishly) Chivalrous, unrealistic, whimsical |
Words Starting with R
Rabble | Throng (of the vulgar), crowd, proletariat |
Rabid | Furious, mad, fanatical |
Raconteur | A person skilled in telling stories. |
Raillery | Jesting (language), banter, ridicule |
Ramify | To divide or subdivide into branches or subdivisions. |
Rampant | Rife, widespread |
Ramshackle | Dilapidated, tumbledown, rickety |
Rapacious | Sieze by force, avaricious |
Raucous | Harsh. |
Recalcitrant | Stubborn, refractory |
Recluse | One who lives in retirement or seclusion. |
Recondite | Incomprehensible to one of ordinary understanding. |
Recuperate | To recover. |
Redoubtable | Formidable. |
Redundant | Wordy, repetitious, superfluous, needless |
Refractory | Not amenable to control. |
Regale | To give unusual pleasure. |
Regicide | The killing of a king or sovereign. |
Reiterate | To say or do again and again. |
Relapse | To suffer a return of a disease after partial recovery. |
Relegate | Assign a lower position, banish, demote |
Repast | A meal; figuratively, any refreshment. |
Repine | To indulge in fretfulness and faultfinding. |
Reprisal | (Injury in) Return, retaliation, revenge |
Reprobate | One abandoned to depravity and sin. |
Repudiate | Disavow, disclaim |
Resilience | The power of springing back to a former position |
Resonance | Able to reinforce sound by sympathetic vibrations. |
Respite | Interval of rest. |
Restive | Resisting control. |
Revere | To regard with worshipful veneration. |
Reverent | Humble. |
Rotund | Round from fullness or plumpness. |
Ruffian | A lawless or recklessly brutal fellow. |
Ruminate | To chew over again, as food previously swallowed and regurgitated. |
Words Starting with S
Sagacious | Wise, shrewd, astute |
Salacious | Obscene, foul, indecent, lecherous |
Salubrious | Healthful; promoting health. |
Salutary | (Morally) Healthy, salubrious, beneficial |
Sanguine | Ardent, confident, optimistic |
Sardonic | Ironical, scornful, derisive |
Satiate | Gratify (fully), surfeit, saturate |
Satyr | A very lascivious person. |
Savor | To perceive by taste or smell. |
Schism | Disjunction, split |
Scribble | Hasty, careless writing. |
Sedition | Plotting (against government), incitement, insurgence |
Sedulous | Persevering in effort or endeavor. |
Severance | Separation. |
Sinecure | Any position (having emoluments with few or no duties). |
Sinuous | Curving in and out. |
Sluggard | A person habitually lazy or idle. |
Solace | Comfort in grief, trouble, or calamity. |
Solvent | Having sufficient funds to pay all debts. |
Somniferous | Tending to produce sleep. |
Somnolent | Sleepy. |
Soporific | Causing sleep; also, something that causes sleep. |
Sordid | Filthy, morally degraded |
Specious | Plausible. |
Spurious | Not genuine. |
Squalid | Having a dirty, mean, poverty-stricken appearance. |
Stanch | To stop the flowing of; to check. |
Stingy | Cheap, unwilling to spend money. |
Stolid | Expressing no power of feeling or perceiving. |
Submerge | To place or plunge under water. |
Subterfuge | Evasion. |
Succinct | Concise. |
Sumptuous | Rich and costly. |
Supercilious | Exhibiting haughty and careless contempt. |
Superfluous | Being more than is needed. |
Supernumerary | Superfluous. |
Supersede | To displace. |
Supine | Lying on the back. |
Supplicate | To beg. |
Suppress | To prevent from being disclosed or punished. |
Surcharge | An additional amount charged. |
Surfeit | To feed to fullness or to satiety. |
Susceptibility | A specific capability of feeling or emotion. |
Words Starting with T
Taciturn | Disinclined to conversation. |
Taut | Stretched tight. |
Temerity | Foolhardy disregard of danger; recklessness. |
Terse | Pithy. |
Timorous | Lacking courage. |
Torpid | Dull; sluggish; inactive. |
Torrid | Excessively hot. |
Tortuous | Abounding in irregular bends or turns. |
Tractable | Easily led or controlled. |
Transgress | To break a law. |
Transitory | Existing for a short time only. |
Travail | Hard or agonizing labor. |
Travesty | A grotesque imitation. |
Trenchant | Cutting deeply and quickly. |
Trepidation | Nervous uncertainty of feeling. |
Trite | Made commonplace by frequent repetition. |
Truculence | Ferocity. |
Truculent | Having the character or the spirit of a savage. |
Turbid | In a state of turmoil; muddled |
Turgid | Swollen. |
Turpitude | Depravity. |
Words Starting with U
Ubiquitous | Being present everywhere. |
Umbrage | A sense of injury. |
Unctuous | Oily. |
Undulate | To move like a wave or in waves. |
Untoward | Causing annoyance or hindrance. |
Upbraid | To reproach as deserving blame. |
Words Starting From V to Z
Vagary | A sudden desire or action |
Vainglory | Excessive, pretentious, and demonstrative vanity. |
Valorous | Courageous. |
Vapid | Having lost sparkling quality and flavor. |
Variegated | Having marks or patches of different colors; also, varied. |
Vehement | Very eager or urgent. |
Venal | Mercenary, corrupt. |
Veneer | Outside show or elegance. |
Venial | That may be pardoned or forgiven, a forgivable sin. |
Veracious | Habitually disposed to speak the truth. |
Veracity | Truthfulness. |
Verbiage | Use of many words without necessity. |
Verbose | Wordy. |
Verdant | Green with vegetation. |
Veritable | Real; true; genuine. |
Vestige | (A visible) trace, mark, or impression (of something absent, lost, or gone). |
Virago | Loud talkative women, strong statured women |
Virtu | Rare, curious, or beautiful quality. |
Visage | The face, countenance, or look of a person. |
Vitiate | To contaminate. |
Vituperate | To overwhelm with wordy abuse. |
Vivify | To endue with life. |
Vociferous | Making a loud outcry. |
Volatile | Changeable. |
Voluble | Having great fluency in speaking. |
Whimsical | Capricious. |
Winsome | Attractive. |