Communication Technologies (OLD) - Test Paper 01


Class-12 Computer Science(Communication and Network Concepts)

General Instruction: -

  • Question No. 1 to 8 carry one marks,
  • Question No. 9 to 10 carry four marks.

  1. Write two advantages and disadvantages of STAR topology.
  2. What are firewalls?
  3. What is the difference between Message Switching technique and Packet Switching technique?
  4. What are cookies?
  5. Expand the following:
    a) TCP/IP      b) XML     c) CDMA    d) WLL
  6. What is Web Hosting?
  7. How is a Hacker different from a Cracker?
  8. Write one difference between Telnet and FTP.
  9. “Hindustan Connecting World Association” is planning to start their offices in four major cities in India to provide regional IT infrastructure support in the field of Education & Culture. The company has planned to set up their head office in New Delhi in three locations and have named their New Delhi offices as “Sales Office”, ”Head Office” and “Tech Office”. The company’s regional offices are located at ”Coimbatore”, “Kolkata” and “Ahmedabad”. A rough layout of the same is as follows :

    Approximate distances between these offices as per network survey team is as follows :

    Place From

    Place To


    Head Office

    Sales Office

    10 KM

    Head Office

    Tech Office

    70 Meter

    Head Office

    Kolkata Office

    1291 KM

    Head Office

    Ahmedabad Office

    790 KM

    Head Office

    Coimbatore Office

    1952 KM

    In continuation of the above, the company experts have planned to install the following number of computers in each of their offices :

    Head Office


    Sales Office


    Tech Office


    Kolkata Office


    Ahmedabad Office


    Coimbatore Office


    (i) Suggest network type (out of LAN, MAN, WAN) for connecting each of the following set of their offices :
    - Head Office and Tech Office
    - Head Office and Coimbatore Office
    (ii) Which device will you suggest to be procured by the company for connecting all the computers within each of, their offices out of the following devices?
    - Modem
    - Telephone
    - Switch/Hub
    (iii) Which of the following communication media, will you suggest to be procured by the company for connecting their local offices in New Delhi for very effective and fast communication?
    - Ethernet Cable
    - Optical Fiber
    - Telephone Cable
    (iv) Suggest a cable/wiring layout for connecting the company’s local offices located in New Delhi. Also, suggest an effective method/technology for connecting the company’s regional offices at “Kolkata”, “Coimbatore” and “Ahmedabad”.

  10. New York Avenue” is planning to expand their network in India, starting with two cities in India to provide infrastructure for distribution of their canned products. The company has planned to setup their main office in Ahmadabad, at three different locations and have named their office as “Work Office”, “Factory” and “Back Office”. The company has its Corporate Office in Delhi. A rough layout of the same is as follows:

    Approximate distance between this office is as follows:




    Work Office

    Back Office

    110 Mtr

    Work Office


    14 KM

    Work Office

    Corporate Unit

    1280 KM

    Back Office


    13 KM

    In continuation of the above, the company experts have planned to install the following number computers in each of their offices:

    Work Office


    Back Office






    i. Suggest the kind of network required (out of LAN, MAN, WAN) for connecting each of the following office units:
    - Work Office and Factory
    - Work Office and Back Office
    ii. Which of the following communication media, you will suggest being procured by the company for connecting their local office units in Ahmadabad for very effective (High Speed) communication?
    - Telephone Cable
    - Optical Fiber
    - Ethernet Cable
    iii. Suggest a cable/wiring layout for connecting the company’s local office units located in Ahmadabad. Also, suggest an effective method/technology for connecting the company’s office unit located in Delhi.
    iv. Name the place where the server is to be installed. Justify your answer.

Class-12 Computer Science(Communication and Network Concepts)


  1. Advantages of STAR topology:
    (i) One device per connection.
    (ii) Easy to access
    Disadvantages of STAR topology:
    i) Central node dependency
    ii) Long cable length
  2. A firewall is a system designed to prevent unauthorized access to or from a private network.
  3. Message Switching:-It is better known as store and forward. In this mechanism, a node on receiving a message, stores it till the appropriate route is not free, then forwards it on the route when the route is free.
    Packet Switching:-It is best for data. In a packet-switched network, data are transmitted in discrete units called packets. A packet is a fixed length block of data for transmission. The maximum length of the packet is established by the network. Longer transmissions are broken up into multiple packets. The packets have headers with priority codes and source and destination addresses along with data to be sent. The packets are sent over the network node to node, kept there for a small time and then routed according to the information in its header.
  4. Cookies are messages that a web server transmits to a web browser so that the web server can keep track of the user’s activity on a specific website.
  5. (i) TCP/IP:-Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
    (ii) XML:-eXtensible Markup Language
    (iii) CDMA:-Code Division Multiple access
    (iv) WLL:-Wireless in Local Loop.
  6. Web hosting means hosting web server application on a computer system through which electronic content on the internet is readily available to any web browser client.
  7. Hackers are more interested in gaining knowledge about computer systems and possibly using this knowledge for playful pranks.
    Crackers are the malicious programmers who break into secure systems
  8. FTP is File Transfer Protocol, and its only concern is to facilitate the transfer of files from one point to another whereas Telnet is simply a connection protocol that allows a user to connect to a remote server that is listening for Telnet commands.
  9. i) • Head Office and Tech Office-  LAN
    • Head Office and Coimbatore Office- WAN
    ii) Switch/Hub
    iii) Optical fiber
    iv) Optical Fiber/Star Topology
  10. (i) Work Office and Factory – MAN
    Work Office and Back Office – LAN
    (ii) Optical Fibre
    (iii) The suggested layout is shown below:

    Technology for connecting to Delhi office – Satellite
    (iv) The server is to be placed at Work Office as it contains a maximum number of computers.