Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles - Test Papers

 CBSE Test Paper 01

CH-9 Areas of Parallelograms & Triangles

  1. The area of the parallelogram ABCD in the figure is :

    1. 12cm2

    2. 10cm2

    3. 9cm2

    4. 15cm2

  2. Find the area of parallelogram in the adjoining figure.

    1. 60 square feet

    2. 48 square feet

    3. 1759 feet

    4. 84 square feet

  3. PQRS is a parallelogram. If X and Y are mid-points of PQ and SR and diagonal SQ is joined, then ar(XQRY):ar(QSR) is equal to

    1. it is 2 : 1.

    2. it is 1 : 2.

    3. it is 1 : 1.

    4. it is 1 : 4.

  4. Points A, B, C, and D are collinear. AB = BC = CD. XYAD. If P and M lie on XY and ar(MCD)=7cm2, then ar(APB)and ar(APD) respectively are

    1. 7cm2,21cm2.

    2. 7cm2,14cm2.

    3. 14cm2,14cm2.

    4. 14cm2,21cm2.

  5. If the sum of the parallel sides of a trapezium is 7 cm and distance between them is 4 cm, then area of the trapezium is :

    1. 7cm2

    2. 21cm2

    3. 14cm2

    4. 28cm2

  6. Fill in the blanks:

    The area of a rhombus is equal to ________ of the product of its two diagonals.

  7. Fill in the blanks:

    A median of a triangle divides it into ________ triangles of equal areas.

  8. In a given figure, it is given that AD || BC. Prove that ar(CGD) = ar(ABG).

  9. Is the given figure lie on the same base and between a same parallels. In such a case, write the common base and the two parallels :

  10. In Fig., X and Y are the mid-points of AC and AB respectively, QP || BC and CYQ and BXP are straight lines. Prove that ar (ABP) = ar (ACQ).

  11. ABCD is a parallelogram. P is any point on CD. If area(DPA) = 15 cm2 and area (APC) = 20 cm2, find the area(APB).

  12. In figure, AP || BQ || CR. Prove that ar(AQC) = ar(PBR).

  13. D and E are mid-points of BC and AD respectively. If area of ABC = 10 cm2, find area of EBD.

  14. In the given Fig., X and y are points on the side LN of the triangle LMN such that LX = XY = YN. Through X, a line is drawn parallel to LM to meet MN at Z. Prove that ar (LZY) = ar (MZYX).

  15. If AD is a median of a triangle ABC, then prove that triangles ADB and ADC are equal in area. If G is the mid-point of median AD, prove that ar(BGC) = 2ar(AGC).

CBSE Test Paper 01
CH-9 Areas of Parallelograms & Triangles


  1. (a) 12cm2
    Area of parallelogram = Base × Height
    = AB × BD
    = 3 × 4
    = 12 cm2
  2. (a) 60 square feet
    In the figure, Base AB = 12 feet and Correspongin height DE = 5 feet
    Area of parallelogram ABCD = Base × Corresponding height
    = AB × DE
    = 12 × 5
    = 60 square feet
  3. (c) it is 1 : 1.
    Since parallelogram PQRS and triangle AQS are on the same base QS and between the same parallels, then
    ar(PQS)=12×ar(gmPQRS)              .................(i)
    Also, if X and Y are mid-points of PQ and SR and diagonal SQ is joined, then
    area(gmXQRY)=12×area(gmPQRS)          ....................(ii)
    From eq.(i) and (ii), we get
  4. (a) 7cm2,21cm2.



    Since triangles MCD and PAB are on the same base and between the same parallels, then
    area(MCD)=area(PAB)=7 sq. cm
    Now, since AB = BC = CD, then
    AB = 13AD and BC = 23AD
    Then, area(APB)=13×area(APD) 
     13×area(APD)=7 sq. cm
      area(APD)=21 sq. cm

  5. (c) 14cm2



    Given: Sum of the parallel sides of a trapezium is 7 cm and distance between them is 4 cm.

    Area of the trapezium = 12(Sum of parallel sides) x Height

    12x 7 x 4

    = 14 cm2


  6. 12

  7. two

  8. Since ADC and ADB are on the same base AD and between the same parallels AD and BC.
    ar(ADC) = ar(ADB)
     ar(ADC) - ar(ADG) = ar(ADB) - ar(ADG)
     ar(CGD) = ar(ABG)

  9. TRQ and parallelogram SRQP lie on the same base RQ and between the same parallels RQ and SP.

  10. From the given figure it is clear that X and Y are the mid-points of AC and AB respectively.
     Therefore,  XY  BC
    Since BYC and BXC are on the same base BC and between the same parallels XY and BC, we can write
       ar (BYC) = ar (BXC)
    ar (BYC) - ar (BOC) = ar (BXC) - ar (BOC)
     ar (BOY) = ar (COX)
    ar (BOY) + ar (XOY) = ar (COX) + ar (XOY)
    ar (BXY) = ar (CXY) .......................................(i)
    Since quadrilaterals XYAP and XYQA are on the same base XY and between the same parallels XY and PQ, we have
      ar(XYAP) = ar (XYQA) .........................................(ii)
    On adding (i) and (ii), we obtain
    ar (BXY) + ar (XYAP) = ar (CXY) + ar (XYQA)
    ar (ABP) = ar ( ACQ)

    Hence proved.

  11. From the given figure it is clear that area (ADC) = area (ADP)+ area(APC)  = 15 + 20 = 35 cm2
    Now in parallelogram opposite sides are equal i.e., CD = AB,

    Also AB  CD.
    Now, we know that triangles having same base and lie with the same parallels have the same area.

      area of ABP = area of ADC =  35 cm2

  12. Given : AP || BQ || CR
    To Prove : ar(AQC) = ar(PBR)
    Proof : ar(BAQ) = ar(BPQ) . . . .[s on the base BQ and between the same parallels BQ and AP] . . . (1)
    ar(BCQ) = ar(BQR) . . . .[s on the base BQ and between the same parallels BQ and CR] . . . (2)
    ar(BAQ) + ar(BCQ) = ar(BPQ) + ar(BQR) . . . [Adding corresponding sides of (1) and (2)]
     ar(AQC) = ar(PBR)

  13. It is given that D is the midpoint of BC, therefore we can say that AD is the median.

    Now, Area of ABD = 12 × area of ABC   ............[Median divides a triangle into two triangles of the equal area]
    Thus, Area of ABD = 12×10 cm2 = 5 cm2
    Again, BE is the median of ABD.
     Area of EBD = 12 × area of ABD
                                = 12×5 = 2.5 cm2

  14. From the given figure,

    it is clear that LXZ and MXZ  (adding x and M) lie on the same base XZ and between the same parallels XZ and LM.
     ar(LXZ) = ar(MXZ)
    Adding ar(XYZ) on both sides, we obtain
    ar(LXZ) + ar(XYZ) = ar(MXZ) + ar(XYZ)
    ar (LYZ) = ar(MZYX)
    Hence proved

  15. Draw AM  BC.
    Since, AD is the median of ABC,
     BD = DC
     BD × AM = DC × AM
     12(BD × AM) = 12(DC × AM)
     ar(ABD) = ar(ACD) .....(i)
    In BGC, GD is the median,
     ar(BGD) = ar(CGD) ....(ii)
    In ACD, CG is a median,
     ar(AGC) = ar(CGD) .....(iii)
    From (ii) and (iii), we have,
    ar(BGD) = ar(AGC)
    But, ar(BGC) = 2ar(BGD)
     ar(BGC) = 2 ar(AGC)