Writing - Letter - Worksheets

CBSE Worksheet 01

  1. You are Sunil Kumar, a resident of B-168 Vijay Vihar. Write a letter to the Accounts Manager of State Bank of India for opening a new savings account.
  2. You are the Area Manager of your company. Write a letter to the Director of ICICI Bank- One of your valuable clients, for the payment of pending arrears towards your company.
CBSE Worksheet 01

  1. B-168 Vijay Vihar
    Near Shivam Optical
    Delhi -110094
    16th December* 20XX
    The Account Manager
    State Bank of India
    Vijay Vihar Branch
    Subject: Request for opening a New Saving Account
    Dear Sir,
    This is to inform you that I, Sunil Kumar is interested in opening a new saving account in your bank. I am a permanent resident of Vijay Vihar. State Bank Of India is a prime bank for most of us and it would be an honour to be part of the bank fraternity.  I am enclosing the required documents and photographs as per your verification and requirement. The documents have been duly signed and also the testimony of two account holders is attached herewith. 
    I am sure the documents would be in order. In case there is anything more needed, please call me at 7853784388.
    Hoping for a quick response in the opening of the account. 
    Thanking You,
    Yours Sincerely,
    Sunil Kumar.
  2. Tata Consultancy Pvt. Ltd.
    Seawood Estate
    Navi Mumbai-983217
    1st January, 20XX
    The Director
    ICICI Bank
    Thane Mumbai-985643
    Subject: Payment of pending Arrears
    Dear Mr. Khanna,
    I have noticed that your bank (ICICI Bank) has arrears and has defaulted in payments pending toward our company since the invoices have not been paid for the past 90 days. It a cause of concern as you are our valuable client and this has never taken place before. 
    In order to motivate our clients to settle their obligations before the due date, we have introduced a discount model where we’ll give you 2 % waiver of the invoiced amount if you pay us within 7 days of receiving the invoice. I am sanguine that your company will look into the matter and take prompt action in clearing the dues.
    I hope that both you and your company are doing well. Since you are one of our most important clients, we appreciate your business. We wish you all the success in your future endeavours.
    In case you have some questions; you can feel free to contact me at 011-27658765.
    Yours faithfully,
    Deepak Malhotra