The Living Organisms And Their Surroundings-Worksheets
CBSE Worksheet-01
Class – VI Science
(The Living Organisms and Their Surroundings)
Class – VI Science
(The Living Organisms and Their Surroundings)
- Which of the following is a biotic components
(a) Water (b) Air (c) Decomposer (d) Soil - Xerophytes are plants which are found in
(a) Deserts (b) Sea (c) Ponds (d) Marshes - Which of these adaptations is not shown by a camel for living in deserts?
- Has a hump on its back.
- Passes scanty of urine.
- Perspires a lot
- The sole of feet have sort of pads.
- The place where a living organism live is called
(a) Habitat (b) Habit (c) House (d) Room -
Column A Column B a. Octopus i. Polar regions b. Hydrilla ii. Forest c. Cactus iii. Sea d. Tiger iv. Desert e. Arctic fox V. Ponds - In the blanks.
- Green plants are called -----------------.
- Living organisms that feed on dead animals is called --------------.
- Ozone layer protects us from -------------- rays.
- The habitat of organism that lives in water is called -------------.
- Birds are adapted for ------------ mode of life.
- What are amphibians? Give an example.
- How desert plants control the loss of water from their body?
- Classify the following organism as aquatic, terrestrial and aerial?
Dog, fish, cat, parrot, camel, crow, frog, octopus. - Solve the crossword puzzle with the help of clues.
1. 2. T 3. 4. T 5. M E 6. 7. T M S O 8. A L I Across
1. An increase in size that is irreversible.
3. A mammal that can fly.
5. One-celled organism
7. Change in environment that brings a response in living organism.
8. A human baby grows into this.Down
2. A plant that lives for only one season.
4. Big, tall plants.
5. Non-living components of the natural environment.
6. An animal that can see in the dark.
7. Soil- inhabitating animal.
CBSE Worksheet-01
Class – VI Science (The Living Organisms and Their Surroundings)
Answer key
Class – VI Science (The Living Organisms and Their Surroundings)
Answer key
1. (c) 2. (a) 3. (c) 4. (a)
- (a) (iii); (b) (v); (c) (iv); (d) (ii); (e) (i)
- (a) Producers (b) Scavengers (c) Ultraviolet (d) aquatic (e) Aerial
- Those animals that can live on land as well as water are called amphibians. Frog is common example of amphibian organism.
- The desert plants are adapted to control loss of water from their body as:
- leaves are modified into thorns.
- leaves and stems have thick waxy covering.
- they do not open their stomata until the sun sets and temperature falls.
Aquatic Terrestrial Aerial Fish Dog Parrot Frog Cat Crow Octopus Camel 1. G R O 2. W T H 3. B A 4. T H R 5. A M O E B A 6. O E B A W E I 7. S T I M U L U S O N T 8. A D U L T I K C E