The Indian Constitution - Worksheets

CBSE Worksheet 01
Ch-19 The Indian Constitution

  1. Name the fundamental right that guarantees the citizens the right to practise and propagate the religion they desire
    1. Freedom of Belief
    2. Freedom of Faith
    3. Freedom of Caste
    4. Freedom of Religion
  2. Fundamental rights refer to:
    1. The list of subjects of the state government
    2. The basic rights which are granted to citizens for the holistic growth of the individuals,
    3. The list of subjects of the central government
    4. The list of subjects of both the state and central governments
  3. The important fundamental rights to Equality is mentioned in which article of the constitution?
    1. Article 14-18
    2. Article 19-22
    3. Article 23- 24
    4. Article 29-30
  4. On which date the Indian Constitution came into effect?
    1. on 26 November 1949
    2. on 26 January 1950
    3. on 26 September 1949
    4. on 26 March 1950
  5. Which one of the following is not a key feature of the Indian Constitution?
    1. Separation of Power
    2. Secularism
    3. Presidential form of Government
    4. Federalism
  6. Match the following:
    Column AColumn B
    (i) Panchayati Raj(a) Mahatma Gandhi
    (ii) Minorities have the right to preserve their own culture(b) Third tier of government
    (iii) Father of the Nation(c) Cultural and educational rights
    (iv) Constitution comes into force(d) 26th January 1950
    1. The Indian State has a ………….. form of government.
    2. The Constitution of India guarantees…………… for all citizens.
    3. Under the Right against Exploitation the Constitution prohibits……………, ………………… and children working under……………years of age.
    4. In 1934, the Indian National Congress made the demand for a………….
  7. A secular state does not officially promote any one religion as the state religion. State whether True/False.
  8. What is a democracy?
  9. What did the members of the Constituent Assembly do to over come their fear?
  10. What do you mean by 'Right against Exploitation'?
  11. Define arbitrary.
  12. Why do we need a Constitution?
CBSE Worksheet 01
Ch-19 The Indian Constitution

    1. Freedom of Religion, Explanation: The right to choose a religion (or no religionwithout interference by the government.
    1. The basic rights which are granted to citizens for the holistic growth of the individuals,
      Explanation: The Fundamental Rights, embodied in Part III of the Constitution, guarantee civil rights to all Indians, and prevent the State from encroaching on individual liberty while simultaneously placing upon it an obligation to protect the citizens' rights from encroachment by society.
    1. Article 14-18
      Explanation: Right to Equality is the first fundamental right assured to the people of India. Article 14-18 of the Constitution guarantees this right to every citizen of India.
    1. on 26 January 1950, Explanation: The Constitution of India was adopted by the Constituent Assembly on 26th November, 1949 and came into force on 26th January, 1950.
    1. Presidential form of Government
      Explanation: The Key features of the Indian Constitution:
      1. Federalism
      2. Parliamentary Form of Government
      3. Separation of Powers
      4. Fundamental Rights

    1. Panchayati Raj - (b) The third tier of government
    2. Minorities have the right to preserve their own culture - (c) Cultural and educational rights
    3. Father of the Nation - (a) Mahatma Gandhi
    4. Constitution comes into force - (d) 26th January 1950
    1. democratic
    2. universal adult suffrage
    3. trafficking, forced labour, 14
    4. Constituent Assembly.
  1. True: A secular state is one in which the state does not officially promote any one religion as the state religion.
  2. Democracy is a form of government in which people have the power of governance. In a democracy, people choose their leaders, so that they can exercise power responsibly on their behalf.
  3. They included several provisions in the Constitution to limit and control the actions taken by the executive branch of government as a whole.
  4. Under this right, the Constitution prohibits trafficking, forced labour and children working under 14 years of age.
  5. When nothing is fixed and is left to one’s judgement or choice, this can be used to refer to rules that are not fixed or decisions that have no basis is called arbitrary.
  6. The Constitution plays an important role in a state. It is more crucial in democratic societies. Following are some of the reasons why we need a Constitution:
    1. First, the Constitution states the ideals that form the basis of the kind of country its people aspire to live in. It gives a set of rules and principles that all persons residing in a country can agree upon and also shape the way in which they want their country to be governed.
    2. Second, it determines the nature of a country's political system. It gives the guidelines that govern decision-making in the country.
    3. Third, a Constitution is needed to protect us from ourselves. It guards against taking any decision in haste or whim that might affect the larger interest.