Squares and Square Roots - Solutions 2

CBSE Class –VIII Mathematics
NCERT Solutions
Squares and Square Roots (Ex. 6.2)

1. Find the squares of the following numbers:
(i) 32      (ii) 35     (iii) 86
(iv) 93     (v) 71     (vi) 46
Ans. (i)    
= 900 + 120 + 4 = 1024
   = 900 + 300 + 25 = 1225
   = 6400 + 960 + 36 = 7396
   = 8100 + 540 + 9 = 8649
   = 4900 + 140 + 1 = 5041
   = 1600 + 480 + 36 = 2116

2. Write a Pythagoras triplet whose one member is:
(i) 6      (ii) 14     (iii) 16       (iv) 18
Ans. (i) There are three numbers  and  in a Pythagorean Triplet.
Therefore, Second number 
Third number 
Hence, Pythagorean triplet is (6, 8, 10).
(ii) There are three numbers
 and  in a Pythagorean Triplet.
Therefore, Second number 
  Third number 
Hence, Pythagorean triplet is (14, 48, 50).

(iii) There are three numbers  and  in a Pythagorean Triplet.
Therefore, Second number 
  Third number 
Hence, Pythagorean triplet is (16, 63, 65).

(iv) There are three numbers  and  in a Pythagorean Triplet.
Therefore, Second number 
  Third number 
Hence, Pythagorean triplet is (18, 80, 82).