Snapshots The Summer of the Beautiful - Practice Papers 1

 CBSE Class 11 English Core

Section D
Practice Paper

The Summer of the Beautiful White Horse
By William Saroyan

Questions for Practice

Long Questions:

  1. Does the social atmosphere described in the story differ from your social atmosphere? How?
  2. What are moral lessons that the story put forward?
  3. Compare and contrast the character of Aram and Mourad.
  4. What picture of rural life does the story paint?
  5. Describe Aram’s horse-riding lesson.

Short Questions:

  1. How does Mourad has a ‘way with the dogs’?
  2. How does Mourad have a ‘way with farmers’?
  3. Even when Aram knew that Mourad was sitting on the back of the horse that morning, he could not believe his eyes?
  4. Does Uncle Khroshrove resemble Mourad in any way?
  5. Bring out the frustrations in the farmer John Byro after losing his horse.