Snapshots The Summer of the Beautiful - Practice Papers 6
CBSE Class 11 English Core
Section D
Practice Paper
Question: 12
Long Answer Type Questions
Answer these questions in about 150 words.
- The Summer of the Beautiful white horse.
- Aram and Mourad belong to Gargholanian tribe. What are the hallmarks of their tribe?
- Did the boys return the horse because they were conscience Stricken or because they were afraid? Support your answer with suitable arguments.
- Do you agree with Aram’s remark that Mourad was considered the natural descendant of Uncle Khosrove? Explain.
- The Address
- In what respect was the narrator’s second visit different from her first visit to Mrs. Dorling?
- ‘The Address’ is a story of human predicament that follows war. Comment.
- Justify the title of the story ‘The Address’?
- Ranga’s Marriage.
- Describe the role played by the narrator in arranging Ranga’s marriage?
- Do you think astrologers manipulate things in arranging marriages in modern times? Discuss.
- Give the character sketch of Ranga
- Albert Einstein at School
- The school system often curbs individual talents. Discuss this statement with reference to the lesson ‘Albert Einstein at School’.?
- What do you learn about Einstein’s nature from his conversation with his history teacher, mathematics teacher and Yuri?
- What was Einstein’s plan to get away from the school? How did Yuri help him?
- What changes have been incorporated in the present education system? Describe in short.
- Mother’s Day
- ‘Mother’s Day’ is a humorous and satirical depiction of the status of the mother in the family? What are the important issues it raises? How does the play resolve the issues?
- What difference do you find in the attitude and personalities of Mrs. Pearson and Mrs. Fitzgerald?
- What change do you observe in the behaviour of Doris, Cyril and Mr. George?
- What problems are being faced by mothers these days? Have they become stronger and more independent than earlier?
- Birth
- Give an account of efforts made by Dr. Andrew Manson to revive the still born child?
- There lies a great difference between textbook medicine and the world of a practising physician? Discuss this statement with reference to the story ‘Birth’?
- The Tale of Melon City.
- Suggest few instances in the poem “The Tale of a Melon City’ which highlight humour and irony.
- How has the poet made fun of governance system by using the phrase ‘Just and placid’.
- How was the blame for the arch passed on? Who was utimately punished?