Practical Geometry-Solutions 14.5

CBSE Class –VI Mathematics
NCERT Solutions
Chaper 14 Practical Geometry (Ex. 14.5)

Question 1. Draw AB¯ of length 7.3 cm and find its axis of symmetry.
Answer: Axis of symmetry of line segment AB¯ will be the perpendicular bisector of AB¯. So, draw the perpendicular bisector of AB.
Steps of construction:
(i) Draw a line segment AB¯ = 7.3 cm
(ii) Taking A and B as centres and radius more than half of AB, draw two arcs which intersect each other at C and D.
(iii) Join CD. Then CD is the axis of symmetry of the line segment AB.

Question 2. Draw a line segment of length 9.5 cm and construct its perpendicular bisector.
Answer: Steps of construction:
(i) Draw a line segment AB¯ = 9.5 cm
(ii) Taking A and B as centres and radius more than half of AB, draw two arcs which intersect each other at C and D.
(iii) Join CD. Then CD is the perpendicular bisector of AB¯.
Question 3. Draw the perpendicular bisector of XY¯ whose length is 10.3 cm.
(a) Take any point P on the bisector drawn. Examine whether PX = PY.
(b) If M is the mid-point of XY¯, what can you say about the lengths MX and XY?
Answer: Steps of construction:
(i) Draw a line segment XY¯ = 10.3 cm
(ii) Taking X and Y as centres and radius more than half of XY, draw two arcs which intersect each other at C and D.
(iii) Join CD. Then CD is the required perpendicular bisector of XY¯.
(a) Take any point P on the bisector drawn. With the help of divider we can check that PX¯=PY¯.
(b) If M is the mid-point of XY¯, then MX¯=12XY¯.
Question 4. Draw a line segment of length 12.8 cm. Using compasses, divide it into four equal parts. Verify by actual measurement.
Answer: Steps of construction:
(i) Draw a line segment AB = 12.8 cm
(ii) Draw the perpendicular bisector of AB¯ which cuts it at C. Thus, C is the mid-point of AB¯.
(iii) Draw the perpendicular bisector of AC¯ which cuts it at D. Thus D is the mid-point of AC¯ .
(iv) Again, draw the perpendicular bisector of CB¯ which cuts it at E. Thus, E is the mid-point of CB¯.
(v) Now, point C, D and E divide the line segment AB¯ in the four equal parts.
(vi) By actual measurement, we find that
AD¯=DC¯=CE¯=EB¯=3.2 cm
Question 5.With PQ¯ of length 6.1 cm as diameter, draw a circle.
Answer: Steps of construction:
(i) Draw a line segment PQ¯ = 6.1 cm.
(ii) Draw the perpendicular bisector of PQ which cuts, it at O. Thus O is the mid-point of PQ¯.
Taking O as centre and OP or OQ as radius draw a circle where diameter is the line segment PQ¯.
Question 6.Draw a circle with centre C and radius 3.4 cm. Draw any chord AB¯. Construct the perpendicular bisector AB¯ and examine if it passes through C.
Answer: Steps of construction:
(i) Draw a circle with centre C and radius 3.4 cm.
(ii) Draw any chord AB¯.
(iii) Taking A and B as centers and radius more than half of AB¯, draw two arcs which cut each other at P and Q.
(iv) Join PQ. Then PQ is the perpendicular bisector of AB¯.
This perpendicular bisector of AB¯ passes through the centre C of the circle.
Question 7.Repeat Question 6, if AB¯ happens to be a diameter.
Answer: Steps of construction:
(i) Draw a circle with centre C and radius 3.4 cm.
(ii) Draw its diameter AB¯.
(iii) Taking A and B as centers and radius more than half of it, draw two arcs which intersect each other at P and Q.
(iv) Join PQ. Then PQ is the perpendicular bisector of AB¯.
We observe that this perpendicular bisector of AB¯ passes through the centre C of the circle.
Question 8.Draw a circle of radius 4 cm. Draw any two of its chords. Construct the perpendicular bisectors of these chords. Where do they meet?
Answer: Steps of construction:
(i) Draw the circle with O and radius 4 cm.
(ii) Draw any two chords AB¯ and CD¯ in this circle.
(iii) Taking A and B as centers and radius more than half AB, draw two arcs which intersect each other at E and F.
(iv) Join EF. Thus EF is the perpendicular bisector of chord  AB¯ .
(v) Similarly draw GH the perpendicular bisector of chord CD¯.
These two perpendicular bisectors meet at O, the centre of the circle.
Question 9.Draw any angle with vertex O. Take a point A on one of its arms and B on another such that OA = OB. Draw the perpendicular bisectors of OA¯ and OB¯. Let them meet at P. Is PA = PB?
Answer: Steps of construction:
(i) Draw any angle with vertex O.
(ii) Take a point A on one of its arms and B on another such that
(iii) Draw perpendicular bisector of OA¯ and OB¯.
(iv) Let them meet at P. Join PA and PB.
With the help of divider, we check that