Physical Activity Environment - Revision Notes
CBSE Class 11 Physical Education
Revision Notes
Chapter 5
Introduction to physical activity: Healthy environment is the foundation of good health as it is safe, sports environment promotes and helps to develop good health. Sports environment encourages everyone to perform physical activity with full enthusiasm. In modern times the importance of physical activity has been realized and many organizations are working to promote and develop sports environment. Sports environment has balanced form of natural and manmade environment. Every human being is a social animal. Man cannot live without society, thus healthy society is the need of every human being.
Concept of sports environment: Sports environment re-energizes us with full of enthusiasm and creativity. It plays an important role in child development. Sports environment is the base of healthy and positive environment. Sports environment is a need of society. Sports environment should have proper play field with all safety means, preventive guards, training.
Need of sports environment: Sports environment is considered as healthy and positive environment. It plays important role in child growth and development. Sports environment is safe, clean and healthy. Environment plays an important role in the quality of an athletic performance. Environment factor’s include exposure to extreme heat, cold, humidity, range of participants, enhancing the clarity of communication.
Essential Elements of positive sports environment: Sports environment requires three essential elements:
- Infra structural setup
- Equipment facilities and its maintenance
- Players, expert staff and its organization
- Infra structural Set up: The infra structural setup for sports environment must be properly planned. The purpose and need of setting up must be clear like for, what activities to be played, how much area required for those activities, site or location of infrastructure etc.
- Equipment facilities and maintenance: In sports environment, playing equipment should be of very good quality and according to game rules. Players should wear proper sports kit and proper sports shoes. The playing arena should be well protected from children. There should be safe provision of drinking water, washrooms, changing rooms. There should be emergency exit point along with first aid facility. There should be safe provision of drinking water, washrooms.
- Players, Expert staff and its organization: Players should be guided and given proper training. They should be imparted knowledge related to physical education or health edu. and first aid. The players should be trained with proper training methods. Considering the principles of training in a progressive manner.
Principles of physical activity environment :
- Construction as per laws.
- Identify and Analyze the risk of harm
- Safety policy
- Code of conduct for users
- Suitable staff and volunteers
- Promote participation
- Support, Train, Supervise and Enhance performance
- Respond to Suspected Abuse and Neglect
- Proper Maintenance
- Hygienic safe and cleanliness of physical activity environment.
Components of Health related fitness: Good health makes the person to live the most and serve the best. Health related fitness has various components which are as follows.
- Regular physical activity.
- Nutritious food and balanced diet
- Active Schedule
- Proper Immunization and medical care
- Prevention and treatment from diseases
- Hygienic habits and safety principles
- Away from health hazards.
- Good social life.
Behavior change technique for physical activity: Behavior change technique is a theory based method for changing psychological determinants of behavior like attitude. The benefits of engaging in regular exercise are known to everybody. Despite knowledge of the advantages associated with engaging in regular activity, most people do not take sufficient exercise.
Common behavior changes are given:
- Setting Goals for Exercise: Setting proper goal for improving our health should be the topmost priority of ours.
- Making life style change a priority: It is difficult for most of them to make last minute changes in our lifestyle technique. We must always remain focused for the plans we have set in.
- Cognitive behavioral strategies: Many people focus on negative self statements, justifications for exercise, limited self control and unrealistic exercise goals. The goal of these strategies is to alter unhelpful moods, negative evaluations. Unrealistic standards that affects exercise patterns.
- Self efficacy: Self efficacy is defined as the belief in one’s capabilities to organize and execute the courses of action needed to produce given attainments.
- Keeping track of exercises: This involves recording and observing all exercise behaviors and monitoring it. Self monitoring is used to raise awareness of behavior patterns and it identify faulty activity patterns. It can be used when you want to improve your efforts.
Exercise Guidelines at different stages of growth
Development is a never ending process whereas growth refers to an increase caused by physiological change, in which the child becomes bigger in size and weight. As every individual is unique in himself individual differences and specificity of activity should be considered.
Different stages of growth are as follows:
- Infancy activity (0 to 3 years): In this stage, the growth pattern involves control over big muscles. Clean, safe and hygienic environment is the need in this stage. In this tender age the activities have to be done under the observation of parents and guardians.
- Early childhood activities (3 to 8 years): During this stage of growth the pattern involves control over small muscles and bone development. The environment needs at this stage should be clean and safe, moreover proper check by parents and teachers are required.
- Later childhood activities (8 to 12 years): During the stage, flexibility and coordinated patterns of growth occurs. During this stage of growth good quality apparatus and safety measures should be considered. Wrong habits should be checked.
- Adult hood activities (19 years onwards): In this stage, high vigorous activities are preferred. Adventure sports gives good thrill in this stage. Good sports environment is required in adult hood.