Materials Metals and Non Metals - Worksheets

CBSE Worksheet-01
Class–VIII Science (Metals and Non Metals)

  1. Which of the following is/are metalloid?
    1. Silicon
    2. Iodine
    3. Both (a) & (b)
    4. Gallium
  2. Which of the following is/are noble gas?
    1. Hydrogen
    2. Argon
    3. Neon
    4. Both (b) &(c)
  3. Chile saltpetre contains: -
    1. Hydrogen
    2. Carbon
    3. Nitrogen
    4. Chlorine
  4. A metal with low melting and boiling point is :-
    1. Al
    2. K
    3. B
    4. Mg
  5. Match the column: -
    a. Copperi)construction purposes
    b. Ironii) automobile batteries
    c. Aluminumiii) cables & wires
    d. Leadiv) photography
    e. Silverv) metallic paints
  6. Fill in the blanks: -
    1. A pencil lead is made up of a non-metal called ______.
    2. Non metals do not make a ______ sound when struck hard.
    3. Non metals are ______ conductors of electricity.
    4. Non metals are not good conductors of heat hence they are also called as ______.
    5. Bromine is the only non-metal which is ______ at room temperature.
  7. Cooking utensils are made of metals but their handles are made of wood or plastic.Why?
  8. Why is it advised not to store pickles and curd in metallic utensils?
  9. Name the non-metal shown in the following picture.
  10. Write the correct words: -
    1. metals: shiny :: non metals: ?
    2. gold: noble metal : helium : ?
CBSE Worksheet-01
Class–VIII Science (Metals and Non Metals)


  1. a
  3. d
  4. c
  5. b
  6. (a. iii), (b. i), (c. v) , (d. ii) , (e. iv) .
    1. graphite
    2. ringing
    3. poor
    4. insulators
    5. liquid.
  7. Cooking utensils are made of metals because metals are good conductors of heat so heat gets conducted in a proper way and the food gets cooked completely.
    On the other hand, the handles of cooking utensils are made of wood or plastic because they are bad conductors of heat so heat does not get conducted to them and it becomes easy to hold them.
  8. It is advised not to store sour substances like curd or pickle in kitchen utensils as they are made of metals which on reaction with acids present in the sour substances can form poisonous substances which can harm our health.
  9. Carbon in the form of coal.
    1. dull.
    2. noble gas.