Injuries in Sports - Test Paper

 CBSE Test Paper 01

CH- 09 Injuries in Sports

  1. What is abrasion?

  2. You are practicing in extreme cold climate which illness may occur to you?

  3. What is laceration?

  4. What is sports medicine?
  5. What is PRICER?

  6. Write four tips for preventing sports injuries.

  7. A famous cricket star Phillip Hughes was struck behind the ear by a ball while batting and died two days after the injury. He was wearing a helmet but the possible reason mentioned was that even when using a helmet, possible a significant port of the neck remained exposed and the ball hit him there. And now most of the top cricketers across the world use deeper protection,

    1. Do you feel protective gears are important? Lay stress on your view.
    2. What first aid should be provided during injury at the superficial layer of the skin?
  8. Discuss the causes of fracture.

  9. What are the causes of sports injuries?

  10. Discuss five techniques used to avoid sports injuries.

CBSE Test Paper 01
CH- 09 
Injuries in Sports


  1. Abrasion is a key injury generally occurs due to friction with certain equipments or a fall over the area where skin is very close to bone.
  2. Hypothermia, Frost bite, Frost nip etc.
  3. A laceration is a wound that is produced by tearing of soft body tissue.
  4. It is the application of medical science effective prevention, therapy and rehabilitation measures as well as, sensible and scientific improvements of performing capabilities in stages, in all age groups.
  5. P = Prevention, R = Rest, I = Ice, C = Compression, E = Elevation, R = Rehabilitation.
  6. Tips for preventing sports injuries:

    1. Avoid training when you are tired.
    2. Increase your consumption of carbohydrates during periods of heavy training.
    3. Increase in training should be matched with increase in resting.
    4. If you experience pain during training, stop training immediately.
    1. Yes, protective gears are very important m sports as they serve an integral role in maintaining the safety of the players and in preventing injuries. In contact sports like football, handball and m sports where the prop is used like hockey sticks, players have a greater chance of injury. Therefore protective gears are important.
    2. Injury at the superficial layer of the skin also called abrasion is a soft tissue injury.
      The RICER technique should be used as a first aid in soft tissue injuries.
  7. Fracture usually occurs due to a high impact on the bone. It can be causes by overuse. The most common causes of fracture are:

    1. In such sports event where there is a high impact.
    2. Traumatic, forceful and unnatural movements.
    3. Prolonged long distance walking or running.
    4. Sudden fall on hard surface.
    5. Direct strike or hit with any solid sports equipment.
    6. Osteoporosis.
  8. To effectively diagnose, rehabilitate and ultimately prevent subsequent injuries, a sport therapist

    1. Anatomical Factors: These are related to make up of the body. Leg length differences and cause injuries to ankle, hip and back.
    2. Age related causes As the body ages, it changes. It is less able to produce force, recovers slower and soft tissues lose the ability to stretch. Therefore it is more prone to injury.
    3. Training related cause’s Excessive repetitive loading of the tissues is needed for successive adaptation. However without suitable recovery, tissues never have the chance to adapt and can fail.
    4. Equipment selection factors These are related to the suitability of equipment. An instance is incorrect footwear, which will not protect the foot and ankle adequately. It also will not distribute forces effectively. Thus it increases the risk of injury.
    5. Impact and contact causes Impact or contact can be with objects, surfaces or other people. These injuries are common in contact sports like football, rugby, hockey etc. Also they are common in more dangerous sports like motor racing, boxing and skiing.
  9. One of the important objectives of sports medicine is preventing injuries. It also prevents other physical, mental, social and financial harm accompanying sports injuries. General techniques that can prevent sports injuries are:

    1. Warm-up and Cool-down A well structured warm-up and cool-down is necessary to increase blood and nutrient flow and concentration. Also it helps in relaxation, improved flexibility and recovery of muscles. Planning a Session Careful planning of training and rehabilitation sessions allows gradual specific adaptations. It reduces the damage to the tissues as a result of training.
    2. Using Protective Equipment The use of protective equipment like proper footwear, helmets, goggles, gum shield, shin pads and gloves prevents many sports injuries.
    3. Psychological training Some form of mental skills training and practice could reduce injuries by reducing anxiety and improving concentration.
    4. Adherence to the rules of all performers are aware of and adhere to the rules and laws of the particular sport, than injuries can be reduced to great extent.