Garbage In Garbage Out-Revision Notes
CBSE Class–VI Subject Science
Revision Notes
Garbage in, Garbage out
Revision Notes
Garbage in, Garbage out
Waste: A material that has no longer any value to the person who is responsible for it.
Sources of Waste:
- Domestic (Household) Wastes: fruit and vegetable peeling, polypacks, bottle, garbage, rubbish, excreta, ashes, sullage are domestic wastes.
- Office and Industrial wastes: wastes produced by industries. The common industrial wastes are smoke, plastic, objects, glass, fly ash, etc.
- Agricultural wastes: common agricultural wastes are rice husk, dried stems and straw, weeds and cattle waste.
- Commercial wastes: wastes generated from commercial establishments such as shops, malls, stores restaurants, hotels, motels, printing press, auto-repair shops, medical facilities.
Type of wastes:
- Biodegradable wastes: Wastes which can be broken down through the action of microorganisms into their simple constituents. Example: plant products, organic wastes, domestic refuse and animal wastes.
- Non-biodegradable wastes: Wastes which cannot be disintegrated by action of microorganisms and remains unaffected from decomposition. Example: plastics, glass, metal, scraps, etc.
- Plastics: Many things are made up of plastics like bags, shoes, bottles, pipes, pens, etc. it cannot be converted into less harmful substances by composting.
ill effect of Plastics:
- Burning emits poisonous gases which cause health problems.
- Foods thrown in plastic bags are eaten by stray animals which can lead to death.
- Carelessly thrown plastic bags choke sewer system.
- Food stored in bad quality plastics can be harmful.
Management of Plastics:
- Do not throw plastics here and there after use.
- Do not burn pastic bags and other plastic items.
- Use paper or cloth bags in place of plastic bags.
- Educate friends and family members about the proper disposal of plastics.
Management and Disposal of Waste:
- 3R’s – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. It means the reduce waste production, reuse of materials and recycle and reprocessing of waste materials for making new products.
- Landfills or Composting: Converting plant and animal waste including that from kitchen, into manure, is called composting. Low lying open areas to deposit biodegradable waste.
- Vermi-composting: Method of preparing compost with the help of red worms. Excreta of the worms make the compost very rich in nutrients.
- Use of two type of dustbins GREEN AN RED . The Green one is for biodegradable wasrte, while the red garbage bin is for non-biodegradable waste.
- Landfill is an area where the garbage collected from a city or town is dumped. The area is later converted into a park.
- Paper can be recycled to get useful products.
- Plastics cannot be converted into less harmful substances by the process of composting.
- We need to generate less waste and find ways of dealing with the increasing amount of garbage in our surroundings.