Crop Production and Management - Exemplar Solutions 4

CBSE Class 08 Science
NCERT Exemplar Solutions
Crop Production and Management

24. Despite favourable climatic conditions, a farmer’s crop failed to give good yield. Give the possible reasons for this.
Ans. (i) He did not use good quality seeds.
(ii) His field was not well irrigated.
(iii) Manures/fertilisers were not properly applied or were not of good quality.
(iv) Weeds were not removed.
(v) He did not prepare the field well.
(vi)Grazing by cattle.

25. As a part of eco-club activity students were asked to raise a kitchen garden in the school premises. They were provided with some materials given in the box. List the other materials you would require. How will you plan the garden? Write the steps.
khurpi, water-can, spade, shovel
Ans. The following items are required – seeds and seedlings of vegetable plants from nursery, kitchen waste, water.
Steps for raising the garden:
1. Kitchen waste will be collected and composted in a pit.
2. A patch of land will be identified for the garden.
3. Soil will be dug up and levelled with the help of a spade.
4. Sowing of seeds / transplanting of seedlings.
5. Select seeds/seedlings as per the season. Water the plants regularly with a water-can.
6. Compost will be applied.
7. Weeds will be removed periodically with the help of Khurpi.

26. Paddy is a major cereal crop in our country.
(a) In which season is paddy cultivated?
(b) Discuss the method of sowing.
(c) What measures must be taken to prevent spoilage and insect attack of harvested grains.
Ans. (a) Rainy season
(b) Seeds are first grown in a nursery and later seedlings are transplanted in the field.
(c) Grains are sun dried to reduce the moisture content and later stored in jute bags or grain silos.

27. Unscramble the words related to crop production and its management and write in the boxes given beneath them.
Now, using the circled letters, form one word which is an activity carried out in fields, after maturation of crops.
Activity carried out in fields after maturation of crops -Harvesting

28. Given below is a conversation between two farmers Heera and Beera.
Heera: Brother Beera, your maize crops looks beautiful! They have grown pretty fast.
Beera: Yes, I have sprayed urea this time. What about you?
Heera: Well, I am still relying on good old cow dung. I am saving money for buying a tractor.
Beera: That’s good. Tractor saves a lot of time and labour.
Heera: Yes, it’s been very labour intensive for me and now these weeds have come up.
Beera: Try weedicides, they are very effective.
Now answer the following questions.
(i) List the practices which are not environment friendly and why?
(ii) What is the advantage of modern agriculture implements over traditional ones?
(iii) Name one weedicide and the precaution farmers must take during its application.
Ans. (i) Use of fertilisers and weedicides are hazardous to environment. Tractor causes air pollution.
(ii) Modern agricultural implements save on both time and labour as compared to traditional equipments.Modern agricultural techniques provide better results than traditional methods.
(iii) An example of a weedicide is 2, 4–D. Farmers should cover their mouth and nose while spraying weedicides as they can cause health hazards.

29. For discussion Despite being one of the growing economies, our country still has a large section of population going hungry and malnourished. Do you think an efficient crop production mechanism is the only solution to this? Discuss in the class what else needs to be done to root out hunger and malnutrition from our country.
Ans. Make unhealthy food more expensive
Lobby for more nutrition indicators
Take help from government authorities
Organise food camps frequently
Propose decrease in prices of food
Transparent distribution of food provided by the government
Create awareness among the working class through social media platforms
Distribute the leftover food from parties
Creation of more jobs so that people can afford their own food

30. Terms related to agricultural practice are given below. Rearrange them in the correct sequence.
harvesting, sowing, manuring, tilling and ploughing, irrigation, de–weeding.
Ans. Tilling and ploughing,->sowing,->manuring,-> irrigation,-> de–weeding->, harvesting.
In other words :
Preparation of soil-> Sowing of seeds ->Adding manure and fertilisers ->Irrigation->Removal of weeds and pests ->Harvesting->Storage.