Children and Women in Sports - Children and Sports Test

 CBSE Test Paper 01

CH- 05 Children and Sports

  1. What do you mean by fine motor development?

  2. Suggest at what age children should be exposed to weight training.

  3. What is sitting posture?

  4. What are the causes of Kyphosis?

  5. Define motor development.

  6. Explain any-five common postural deformities.

  7. Define motor development in 6-12 year old children.

  8. A correct posture commands respect, Justify.

  9. Suggest at what age children should be exposed to weight training. Justify your answer.

  10. What do you mean by correct posture? Explain the standing and sitting posture. What are the causes of bad posture?

CBSE Test Paper 01
CH- 05 
Children and Sports

  1. Fine motor development involves development of small muscles of the body, especially during the small movements of the fingers and hands eg. Holding of javelin, discus and pole, catching a cricket ball etc.
  2. Children may be exposed to weight training not earlier than12years, as development of gross and line motor skills occurs till this age and weight training should be started only after the motor skills are fully developed.
  3. Sitting posture- Back bone should be erect, the upper region of the back bone should be straight against back of chair, head should in line with hip & shoulder.
  4. Kyphosis is caused by illness, malnutrition, crowd, deficiency of pure air, insufficient exercises, rickets, carrying heavy loads on shoulders, unsuitable furniture, weak muscles, shyness among girls and habit of doing work by leaning forward etc.
  5. It refers to the development of general body control, fine motor skills and large muscle movements.
  6. Five common postural deformities are

    Knock Knee a postural deformity in which both the knees touch or overlap each other in normal standing position Flat Foot is a deformity of the feet. In this deformity, there is no arc in the foot and the foot is completely flat.

    Round Shoulder It is a postural deformity in which the shoulders are drawn, the head is extended with the chin pointing forward.

    Kyphosis is a deformity of the spine in which there is an increase or exaggeration of a backward curve.

    Bow Legs is a deformity opposite knock knee. In fact, if there is a wide gap between the knees, the deformity can be observed easily.

  7. After the age of 6 years, it becomes increasingly difficult to describe changes and differences in motor skills development of a child. The following characteristics are evident

    1. Running this will become faster depending on the length of stride and tempo.
    2. Jumping the ability to jump higher will become greater due to body size, weight, age and strength.
    3. Throwing Boys to throw further with a better technique and accuracy.
    4. Balancing and Coordination This increases as the child becomes older and control is perfect
  8. For creating a good impression on other people so that you command respect, good appearance is a prerequisite, this good appearance, in term, depends on the posture of an individual. This leaves a good first impression on others. Good posture also contributes to grace and efficiency in movement, which will make other people appreciate and respect you. Confident, successful and assertive people have a good upright: and relaxed posture. Confidence gives you power and strength. Conversely, when our posture shows a slump, we will soon experience low confidence; we will feel tired, low on energy, sad and vulnerable. This will show to others and make them lose respect in us.

  9. According to the National Strength and Conditioning Association, weight training is safe and effective for any child that has reached an age where he/she can participate in any type of sport. Each child is individual and should be able to accept directions and respond to instructions about proper techniques. This typically is around age 7 or 8, although each child should be considered individually. Research has shown that prepubescent children can benefit from weight training and participate safely as long as proper instruction and supervision is provided. Most injuries stem from activities that are improperly instructed or unsupervised. There is no greater risk of injury from appropriate weight training than that from participation in other sports or activities. In fact, learning proper techniques at a young age may prevent injuries in the future. Individuals intending to instruct children need to get proper training in progressing youth in a safe, age-appropriate weight training program. Weight training is not only beneficial for children who are active in sports. Benefits not only include increased strength, improved muscle recruitment patterns and Neuromuscular activation, but also provide overall health benefits such as decreased obesity and stimulating bone growth and bone density.

  10. Correct posture: - Correct posture means the balancing of a body in an accurate and proper manner while sitting, standing, reading, and writing, walking, running or during any other action.

    Correct posture of standing: - Correct standing posture is balanced and free from muscle or ligament strain. In this posture, the line of the center of gravity of the head, chest, abdomen, and pelvis falls in a straight line. In standing position, the weight should be equally distributed between the ball of the foot and the heel. The feet should be parallel and the weight should be evenly balanced over both legs. The shoulders should be back and relaxed.

    Correct posture of sitting:- In this posture, parts of the body, head, shoulder, and hip should be placed in proper alignment with each other. The weight of the person sitting should be supported over a large area, so as to equally distribute the pressure. The backbone should be erect with the upper region of the backbone straight against the back of the chair.

    Causes of poor posture are:-

    1. Injury when bone, ligament or muscle is injured, it weakens the support to that part.
    2. The disease causes the joints to lose their strength and mobility.
    3. Heredity Deformities like kyphosis and flat foot are sometimes due to hereditary factors.
    4. Overload Overwork or fatigue also results in poor posture.
    5. Lack of Exercise the maintenance of erect posture requires strength and endurance.