Cell Structure and Functions - Worksheets

CBSE Worksheet-01
Class–VIII Science (Cell structure and functions)

  1. The lowest level of organization of life is :-
    1. organ system level
    2. organ level
    3. cellular level
    4. tissue level
  2. Which of the following is not a part of nucleus?
    1. nucleolus
    2. lysosomes
    3. chromosomes
    4. nucleoplasm
  3. Centrosomes are present only in :-
    1. plant cells
    2. animal cells
    3. both a & b
    4. only viruses
  4. All functions of the body are carried out by a single cell in :-
    1. multicellular organism
    2. unicellular organism
    3. bicellular organism
    4. tetracellular organism
  5. Match the column :-
    a. magnifying glassi) single celled organism
    b. Amoebaii) smallest cell
    c. Ostrich eggiii) kitchen of the cell
    d. chloroplastiv) largest cell
    e. Mycoplasmav) simplest microscope
  6. Fill in the blanks :-
    1. A ______ is the smallest unit of life.
    2. Chromosomes contain basic hereditary units called ______ .
    3. ______ is the cell organelle which produces energy by the oxidation of food.
    4. Chromoplasts provide different ______ to the flowers and fruits.
    5. Green plastids contain ______ that help in photosynthesis.
  7. What are the main postulates of the cell theory?
  8. Differentiate between unicellular and multicellular organisms with examples.
  9. Complete the following flow chart:
  10. Write the correct words by putting letters in correct sequence-
    1. duesaopidop
    2. suites
CBSE Worksheet-01
Class–VIII Science (Cell structure and functions)


  1. c
  2. b
  3. b
  4. b
  5. a. v, b. i, c. iv, d. iii, e. ii.
    1. Cell
    2. Genes
    3. Mitochondria
    4. Colour
    5. Chlorophyll.
    1. All living organisms are made up of cells. Hence cells are structural and functional units of living organisms.
    2. All cells are similar in their structure and function but they are not identical.
    3. New cells are formed through division in the pre-existing cells.
  6. Unicellular OrganismsMulticellular Organisms
    Living organisms which are made up of a single cell are called unicellular organisms.Those organisms which are made up of more than one cell are known as multicellular organisms.
    All functions are performed within a single cell.Different cells perform different functions hence show division of labour.
    For example: amoeba, paramecium etc.For example: fishes, frogs, birds. humans etc.
  7. tissue, organ, organ system.
  8. i) pseudopodia ii) tissue