Moments The Accidental Tourist - CBSE Revision Notes
CBSE Class 09 English Language and Literature
Revision Notes
Moments Chapter-9
The Accidental Tourist
Revision Notes
Moments Chapter-9
The Accidental Tourist
The author has very humorously described his little encounters he always faces while travelling or otherwise too.He says that the world has become an easy place to travel but everybody does not find it easy to travel.The author describes himself as a confused person and wonders at a number of things that other people do without any evident difficulty which he is not capable of doing.
He tells that his speciality these days is returning to hotel reception at least twice or thrice to ask for his room number as he forgets it every time.He finds himself confused in even finding a lavatory in a cinema and ends up standing on the other side of a self-locking door.
The author has numerous tales to tell about his confusion .
Once he was at Logan Airport in Boston .He was going to England with his family. Just when they were about to check-in, he remembered that he had recently joined British Airways' frequent flyer program and was carrying that card with him.The card was in the carry-on bag on his shoulder. As soon he tried to open the zip of his bag,it got jammed.He tried to open it with full force but it gave way and the bag flung open with all its belongings flying here and there.He could see all this things lying on the floor and was panicked.He could see his wife looking at him with surprise on the mess that he had just created .
He describes another such incident when he was seated in the air-plane and had bent down to tie his shoelace.Just at that moment , the person on the seat ahead of him ,pushed back his seat in full recline and the author was pinned in the same position.He had to claw himself to his co-passengers leg to lift himself up.
The author has a number of funny incidents lined up in the story.
His wife and children knew how much confused he always remained ,so they used to help him open the food tins in the plane to avoid any spilling on the other passengers.
The worst of all incidents occurred once when while travelling,he was writing something in his notebook and chewing at the end of his pen.He got engaged in conversation with an attractive lady sitting beside him and did not realize that the ink from his pen was leaking.He went to the lavatory and discovered that his lips,tongue, gums,teeth and even his cheeks were sparkling with ink all over .
Now he never gets his frequent flyer miles because he cannot find his card on time or he forgets to ask for air miles at the time of check-in. Once on a flight to Australia,the clerk told him that he was not entitled for the air-miles because the ticket was booked in the name of B.Bryson and the card was of someone with name W.Bryson. He was unable to convince the clerk that both were the name of a same person.