Grammar-Reporting a Dialogue - CBSE Test Papers

CBSE Test Paper 01
Sentence Transformation

  1. Read the dialogue given below and then complete the report that follows. Write your answers in your answer sheet against the correct blank numbers.
    Ram: I want to meet the Principal.
    Peon: Sir, he is not in his office
    Ram: When will he come back to the office?
    Peon: I think in another ten minutes.
    Ram: What are the meeting hours? Ram went to the Principal's office and told the peon (a)__________ the Principal. Respectfully the peon told him that (b)_________. So Ram asked him (c)__________. The peon replied that he would be back in another ten minutes. Ram again enquired from the peon that (d)________.
  2. Read the dialogue given below and complete the paragraph that follows:
    Father: Where are you going?
    Son: I am going to my friend's house.
    Father: Have you completed your homework?
    Son: No, I'll do it when I will come back.
    Father: This is not the right way to answer. Father asked his son where he was going. The son replied (a)____________ to his friend's house. The father further questioned (b)____________ his homework. The son said that he would do it when (c)___________ The father disapproved of (d)___________.
  3. Read the following dialogue and then complete the paragraph that follows. Write your answers in your answer sheet against the correct blank numbers:
    Kokila: Maitryee! My new dress is very pretty.
    Maitryee: Will you show it to me?
    Kokila: I will show it to you tomorrow when you come to my house. My father gave me as a birthday gift. Kokila told her friend Maitryee that (a)__________ very pretty. Maitryee asked her if (b)__________ She replied that she would show it to her (c)___________ house. Her father had given it (d)____________.
CBSE Test Paper 01
Sentence Transformation

    1. that he wanted to meet
    2. he was not in his office
    3. when he would come back to the office
    4. What were the meeting hours
    1. that he was going.
    2. if he had completed.
    3. he would come back.
    4. the son's way to answer.
    1. her new dress was
    2. she would show it to her
    3. the next day when she came to her
    4. to her as a birthday gift