Grammar-Editing - CBSE Value Based Questions - type 8

CBSE Class 10 English
Value Based Questions

The following passage has not been edited. There is an error in each line against which a blank is given. Write the incorrect word and the correction in your answer sheet against the correct blank number as given in the example. Remember to underline the word that you have supplied.
1. Ten of thousand of bat emerge eg. emerge ­ emerged
from under the bridge. It were (a) ____________
a amazing sight. I learnt a (b) ____________
few fact about these creatures. The baby (c) ____________
bats is known as pups. Each (d) ____________
mother bat delivers only one pups. (e) ____________
They are usually born on June/July (f) ____________
  1. were-was
  2. a -an
  3. fact --facts
  4. is ­-are
  5. pups ­-pup
  6. on ­-in
2. An one­eyed man was traveling eg. An ­ A
through a bus one day. He was (a) ____________
carrying a huge bag on him (b) ____________
shoulder. Anyone sitting next to him (c) ____________
said, “Why didn’t you keep your bag (d) ____________
beneath the seat. The man smiled (e) ____________
and said, “It is too big to be kept their.” (f) ____________
  1. through ­-by
  2. him ­­-his
  3. Anyone ­­-someone
  4. didn’t ­­-don’t
  5. beneath ­­-under
  6. their ­­-there
3. In the process to learning eg. to ­ of
Self­help is the better help (a) ____________
Depend always on others, (b) ____________
Even on teachers or parents (c) ____________
is an sign of weakness. (d) ____________
In the Mahabharta their is a wonder character of Eklavya (e) ____________
which is an ideal for modern students (f) ____________
  1. better ­­-best
  2. Depend ­­-depending
  3. or ­­-and
  4. an ­­-a
  5. their ­­-there
  6. which ­­-who
4. Thanks to the current interest for fitness e.g. for ­ in
and health that people are taking (a) ____________
In each locality we find this days (b) ____________
some centres and clubs is springing (c) ____________
up and they are do well in their (d) ____________
new venture. Because unfortunately they (e) ____________
are not within easy reach for all. (f) ____________
5. She lost her father when she is still e.g. is ­ was
a child. Her uncle looked at all the property (a) ____________
that she inherit from her father (b) ____________
Since a few years her uncle worked very (c) ____________
sincerely. Afterwards he thinks, “This (d) ____________
property should make me rich. How long (e) ____________
should I kept serving my niece? I must do something. (f) ____________
6. Automated Teller Machines (ATM) has revolutionised eg. has ­ have
banking and made life easiest (a) ____________
Bank customers could now withdraw (b) ____________
money of their account anytime and (c) ____________
somewhere in their own country (d) ____________
or even from the world. However (e) ____________
like any other electrical gadget they can also malfunction. (f) ____________
7. “So you want other day e.g. other ­ another
of”, shouted the office manager (a) __________
on his clerk. I am anxius (b) __________
to heard what excuse you have (c) __________
now. You are gone for your (d) __________
grandfather funeral twice (e) __________
already.” The clerk smile sheepishly and said, “Today my grandmother is getting married again.  (f) __________
8. The concern in global warning e.g. in ­ over
is not that its happening but (a) __________
that it’s been hastened by modern (b) __________
man. It is also occurring in a far (c) __________
greater rate then the natural (d) __________
evolutionary process. We are cut (e) __________
down trees, forcing an extinction of many species and polluting the environment. (f) _______

In Correct
Leena was in her annual visit
e.g. in
to her uncle house. She always
enjoys it because she was allowed
to spend much of the day
down under the mango grove Leena’s
uncle was a friendship of the man
who owned the grove and he always gave a especial rate

In Correct
This year Reema’s aunt joined him, and e.g. him her together
e.g. in
they set up across the fields to the grove
The branches of the trees is covered with
fruits, and so bowing down             
with the weight age that they almost touched
the ground. They spend hours picking fruit
eating many of it and sleeping in the shade


In Correct
There lived a wisely old man in Purkul Dehradun,
e.g. Wisely
The villagers looked up at him and Approached
him for all there problems. Three naughty boy.   
Amar, Naveen and Praveen want to test the old
man’s wisdom, one finest morning
they caught a butterfly when playing in the
garden. Amar has the butterfly in his hand

In Correct
Our school is conducted a cultural fiesta on
e.g. Conducted
the 26 thin this month. The events for
Competition includes music, dance and skit
Each school are requested to send not
more than fifteen participants. We must appreciate
if the students of his prestigious institutions
participate in a competition and make our

In Correct
India with his ecosystems and a wealth e.g. his her
e.g. his
Of culture heritage of great antiquity
has immensely scope for ecotourism. Constant
research to identifying newer areas and spots
for ecotourism, preparing brochures at them
and on the eco­ethics relevance to each, organizing
obligation of the tourism department.

In Correct
Malls are mushrooming with our cities at a
e.g. with
Pace that was difficult to keep track of. As
Per latest reports, 600 more should come up in
Nook and corner of city like Mumbai, Bangalore
New Delhi, Hyderabad, Pune till 2011. Malls are
Glamoruous and attraction but they also have
a huge maintain cost. Can we afford it?

In Correct
Alfred Hitchcock was the man with vivid imagination
e.g. the
Strong creative skills and a passionate for life.     
With his Unique style but God gifted wit
he produces and directed some of the
most thrilling film that had the                   
audience almost swooning off right           
and falling off his seats with laughter        

In Correct
Alfred Hitcheock was greatly influencing by
e.g. influencing
American films and magazines. At the age for 20,
he took on a job at the office of Paramount
Studio, London. Use imagination, talent and
dedication, he made each of our endeavors
a success. He took greater pleasure in working
in the Studio and often worked whole seven days a week