GEO Forest and Wildlife Resources - CBSE Important Questions

CBSE Important Questions
Class 10 Social Science
Chapter-02 Forest and Wild Life Resources

Multiple Choice Questions
Q1. The diverse flora and fauna of the planet are under great threat mainly due to :
(a) Global Warming (b) Lack of water availability
(c) Insensitivity to our environment (d) Increasing pollution
Ans.(c) Insensitivity to our environment
Q2. Which one of the following is an endangered species of Manipur ?
(a) Blue Sheep (b) Asiatic Buffalo
(c) Sangai (brow anter deer) (d) Cattle
Ans.(c) Sangai (brow anter deer)
Q3. “The species that are not found after searches of known or likely areas where they may occur” are known as :
(a) Normal species (b) Vulnerable species
(c) Extinct species (d) Rare species
Ans.(c) Extinct species
Q4. Which one of the following is a medicinal plant used to treat some types of cancer ?
(a) Himalayan Yew (b) Himalayan Oak
(c) Madhuca insignis (d) Hubbardia heptaneuron36
Ans.(a) Himalayan Yew
Q5. In which year, the Indian Wildlife (Protection) Act was implemented ?
(a) 1970 (b) 1971
(c) 1972 (d) 1974
Ans.(a) 1970
Q6. Which one of the following was launched in 1973 ?
(a) Project Tiger (b) Indian Wildlife Act
(c) Wildlife Act (d) Indian Wildlife Protection Act
Ans.(a) Project Tiger
Q7. Which one of the following is located in West Bengal ?
(a) Corbett National Park (b) Sundarbans National Park
(c) Sariska Wildlife Sanctuary (d) Bandhangarh National Park
Ans.(b) Sundarbans National Park
Q8. In which one of the following states is Periyar Tiger Reserves Located ?
(a) Rajasthan (b) Assam
(c) Uttranchal (d) Kerala
Ans.(d) Kerala
Q9. Which one of the following States has the largest area under permanent forest ?
(a) Uttar Pradesh (b) Jammu & Kashmir
(c) Punjab (d) Madhya Pradesh
Ans.(d) Madhya Pradesh
Q10 Which one of the following is a great achievement of the Chipko Movement ?
(a) More trees are planted
(b) Development in Himalayan region
(c) Successfully resisted deforestation
(d) Soil erosion get declined.
Ans.(c) Successfully resisted deforestation
Short Answer Type Questions :
Q1. In what ways the forests were harmed by the colonial government ?
Ans. (1) For expansion of railways.
(2) For expansion of agricultural field.
(3) For expansion of commercial and scientific forestry.
(4) For expansion of milling activities. (Any three)37
Q2. What do your know about “Permanent forest estates ? Name the state which has the largest area under these forest estates.
Ans. Reserved and protected forests are also referred to as “Permanent forest estates”
(1) These forest states are maintained for the purpose of producing timber and other forest produce and for protective reasons.
State : Madhya Pradesh (75 percent of its total forest area)
Q3. Humans are dependent on the ecological system for their existence. Explain.
Ans. As a part of the ecological system human beings are dependent on it for their existence.
For example :
(1) We breathe in air, we drink water, we grow crops in soil, etc. These are the non living components of the ecological system.
(2) On the other hand plants, animals and other microorganisms recreate the quality of these non living components.
Q4. Distinguish between reserved and protected forests.                      
Reserved Forests
Protected Forests
(1) The reserved forests are regarded as the most valuable.
(1) The forests lands are protected from any further depletion.
(2) More than half of the total forests has been declared reserved forests.
(2) Almost one third of the total forest area is declared protected forests.
(3) These forests are majority found in Jammu & Kashmir, Andhra Pradesh, Uttranchal, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal & Maharashtra.
(3) These forests are majority found in Jammu & Kashmir, Andhra Pradesh, Uttranchal, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal & Maharashtra.
Q5. Name any two North Eastern States of India having over 60 percent of Forests cover. Give two reasons.
Ans. States - (i) Arunachal Pradesh (ii) Manipur
(1) There is an abundance of rainfall in N.E. States.
(2) The hilly terrain of these states protects the forests from human exploitation.
Long Answer type questions
Q1. What are the negative factors that cause such fearful depletion of flora and fauna ?
Ans. (1) Expansion of railways.
(2) Conversion of forest land into agricultural land
(3) Mining activities.
(4) Large Scale development projects like river valley project etc.
(5) Grazing of Pastoral animals.
(6) Hunting and poaching of wild animals. (Any four)
Q2. Distinguish between endangered and extinct species.
Endangered Species
Extinct Species
(1) These are species which are in danger of extinction.
(1) These are species which are not found after searches of known or likely areas where they may occur.
(2) The survival of such species is difficult if the negative factors that have led to a decline in their population continue to operate.
(2) They are already missing and their survival is suspicious
(3) Examples : Blackbuck, wild ass, Indian rhino, crocodile, lion-tailed macaque etc.
(3) Examples : Asiatic cheetah, pink headed duck, etc.
Q3. How forests are useful to man ?
Ans. (1) The raw materials for paper industry, match making, gums and resins are also extracted from the forest products.
(2) They help in controlling soil erosion.
(3) They help in enhancing the quantity of rainfall.
(4) They provide certain types of herbs which are in turn used to produce useful medicines.
Q4. Describe the methods of forest conservation.
Ans. (1) The cutting of trees in the forest must be stopped at all costs. Our government has taken various steps in this direction.
(2) Mass Media like newspapers, radio, television and cinema can help a lot in this direction.
(3) We should bring more and more areas under forests (at least up to 33%) for the balanced development of our country.
(4) The people on their parts also cooperate to check the falling of trees. “Chipko Movement” to check the careless falling of trees in the forests.