Footprints ch09 Bholi - CBSE Test Papers

CBSE Test Paper 01

  1. Give two points to demonstrate that Bholi’s wedding was a grand one.      
  2. Why was Ramlal worried about Bholi and not about his other children?
  3. Who came to the village at the opening of the school and what did he ask Ramlal to do?
  4. Why did the Tehsildar come to Ramlal's village? What did he ask Ramlal to do?
  5. Why did the other children make fun of Bholi?
  6. How did Bholi's teacher play an important role in changing the course of her life?
  7. "Don't you worry, Pitaji! In your old age, I will serve you and mother." Through the statement, the narrator wants to highlight moral values Bholi was imbued with. Based on the reading of the lesson, what makes Bholi aware of her rights and how does she use them?
  8. Bholi is a child different from others. This difference makes her an object of neglect and laughter. Elaborate.
CBSE Test Paper 01

  1. Bholi’s marriage was fixed with Bishamber who had a big shop, his own house and several thousand in the bank. It was a grand marriage. A brass-band playing a popular tune from an Indian film headed the procession. Secondly, the bridegroom was riding on a decorated horse. He came there with a big party of friends and relatives which looked like a procession.
  2. Ramlal had three sons and four daughters. Six of them were normal with normal looks. Only Bholi was different. This made Ramlaal more worried about Bholi as she was the weakest child in their family. He was worried about her ugly looks because of the pock-marks all over her body and also because of her stammering. He was also worried that no one would come forward to marry Bholi.
  3. The Tehsildar came to the village at the opening of the school. He asked Ramlal to send his daughter to the school to study as he was a government representative in the village. He told him that he would set an example by sending her daughter to school. It would encourage more villagers to send their daughter to school. So he had to show an example before the villagers.
  4. The Tehsildar came to Ram Lal’s village to inaugurate the school for girls. He put the responsibility of sending the girls of the village on Ram Lal. He told Ram Lal as he was the representative of the government he must send his daughter to the school. He would set an example to the villagers by sending his daughters to the school.
  5. Bholi became a little backward and simpleton as some part of Bholi's brain had got damaged. She learnt to speak a little late and stammered a lot. She also had scars of smallpox on her face. Thus, the children made fun of her and mimicked her.
  6. When Bholi went to school and met her teacher, she was very shy and innocent. She didn’t know anything about life’s hardships. She had a lack of sense as she fell from a cot when she was ten months old and a part of her mind was damaged. This damaged her mind and could not speak until she was five years old. After five, she tried to speak but could not and only stammered. Due to the attack of smallpox-there were pock-marks all over her body. All others made fun of her. Bholi's teacher played an important role in changing the course of her life. She was polite and friendly which touched her heart. She encouraged her every time and was affectionate towards her. The teacher transformed her into a confident person who could read, write and speak clearly. This gave her the required confidence. Moreover, the teacher’s appreciation and encouragement helped her overcome her low morale.
  7. Social discrimination against women has been highlighted in the narrative of 'Bholi', where women are considered a liability, a burden to be borne until they are eventually disposed off in marriage. The family in particular and the society at large have no faith in their capabilities and hence do not consider it essential to educate them. But Bholi's incidence proves that daughters are capable and responsible in supporting the family just the same as the menfolk and can be the 'breadwinners'  if the family invests in their education. A significant change in social attitudes can be brought about by creating awareness and counselling. Education helps Bholi to boost her confidence and makes her aware of her rights to say ' NO' to a forced marriage.
  8. The society often does not tolerate differences very easily. Bholi is different from other children. She is slow for her age and she stammers while speaking. She suffers a lot as smallpox leaves her body all covered with pock-marks. Her parents do not even bathe her. Hence, she is left ignored and neglected as she is taken as a burden. That's why she becomes an object of laughter for other people. Children imitate her when she speaks. But she remains silent most of the time because she has no confidence or self-esteem. However, society must accept those who are different and treat them with the same love and respect as others.