Footprints ch05 Footprints without Feet - CBSE Revision Notes

CBSE Class 10 English Language and Literature
Revision Notes
Chapter 05 
Footprint without Feet

  • Two boys on a London street were surprised to see fresh muddy footprints of bare feet without finding who was making them.
  • These footprints had been made by Griffin, an eccentric scientist who had discovered how to make his body transparent.
  • To get away after he had burnt his landlord’s house down, he had to remove his clothes so that he became invisible.
  • Griffin entered unseen into a big store to get warm. When the store closed at night, he put on new clothes, consumed meat and coffee from the restaurant and went to sleep on a pile of quilts.
  • He overslept and was seen by the shop assistants in the morning. He again took off his clothes to escape them.
  • Then he entered a theatrical company, and wore bandages on his face, dark glasses, a false nose and bushy side-whiskers. He robbed the shopkeeper of his money and escaped to loping village by train to avoid being caught.
  • He rented two rooms at an inn in the village. He explained to Mrs. Hall, it s owner, that he had an accident and did not want to be disturbed. Soon his money finished and so he robbed a clergyman’s house by using his invisibility.
  • That same day, when Mrs. Hall entered his room, she and her husband were ‘attacked’ by the furniture. This made Mrs. Hall think that it was haunted by spirits.
  • When the clergyman reported the burglary to the police, Griffin was suspected of having a hand in it. So the village constable, Jaffers came to arrest him on suspicion.
  • Meanwhile, Mrs. Hall asked Griffin to explain all the unusual happenings. Griffin lost his temper and took off all his clothes (thus becoming invisible), knocked Jaffers unconscious and ran away.