First Flight Poem ch03 A Tiger in the Zoo - CBSE Test Papers

CBSE Test Paper 01
A Tiger in the Zoo

  1. What message do you get from the poem,'A Tiger in the Zoo'?
  2. The tiger in the poem 'A Tiger in the Zoo' has some obvious limitations. Describe them in contrast to its natural habitat.
  3. According to the poem, A Tiger in the Zoo, is it safe to allow tigers to live in their natural habitat these days?
  4. Love for freedom is the natural instinct of every living being. Comment in the context of A Tiger in the Zoo.
  5. Read the following extracts and answer the question/complete the sentences that follow:
    He hears the last voice at night
    The patrolling cars
    And stares with his brilliant eyes
    At the brilliant stars.
    1. 'He' in the above stanza is ______.
    2. The last voice that he hears is that of ______.
    3. The tiger stares at stars because he is ______.
    4. Which word means the same as 'sparkling'?
  6. Read the following extracts and answer the question/complete the sentences that follow:
    He stalks in his vivid stripes
    The few steps of his cage,
    On pads of velvet quiet,
    In his quiet rage.
    1. Who is 'he' here?
    2. The two qualities of the animal are ______.
    3. He is in rage because ______.
    4. Which word refers to 'lines'?
CBSE Test Paper 01
A Tiger in the Zoo

  1. From this poem, we come to know that animals like to live freely in the forest. The animals do not want to live in the zoo. Their life is pitiable in it. The poet tries to expose the miserable life led by the animals in the zoo. He compares the life of the tiger in the zoo with its life as a natural habitat. The animals have the right to freedom and should not be caged. They should be allowed to run free in the wild.
  2. The zoo is not the rightful place for the tiger. He is a denizen of the jungle. His real place is in the wild. He is angry that he can't move, hunt and do what he pleases, and is forced to be a showpiece and the cage's bars obstruct his view of the starry night. This is all unlike his natural habitat where he hunts fiercely and sleeps fitfully.
  3. It is not safe to allow tigers to live in their natural habitat these days. Nowadays, living in the jungle will mean certain death for them. Fast diminishing jungles and danger posed by poachers have pushed tigers to the brink of extinction, making their natural habitat unsafe.
  4. It is rightly said that the love for freedom is the natural instinct of every living being. Everyone loves freedom and does not want to live in confinement (captivity). Similarly, the tiger also longs for freedom. He wants to escape his captivity. He is so fed up of being caged that he even ignores the visitors. He takes to and fro steps in the cage as if trying to wile away the time. It is his right to enjoy his natural habitat i.e. the forest and run freely in the wild. So he should not be caged. God has made all living beings equal and thus, the animals too have the right to freedom. We should, thus, respect their freedom and should not put them in the zoo.
    1. a tiger in the zoo.
    2. the guards in their patrolling cars in the zoo.
    3. looking for some comfort as he aspires to get free.
    4. 'brilliant'.
    1. 'He here is a tiger.
    2. that he has 'vivid' stripes and velvet pads.
    3. he is confined in a  cage.
    4. Stripes refer to the word 'lines'.