First Flight ch10 The Sermon at Benares - CBSE Revision Notes

CBSE Class 10 English Language and Literature
Revision Notes
Chapter 10 
The sermon at benares

  • This lesson tells us about the life of Gautama Buddha, who was born in a royal family as Siddhartha.
  • Once he saw a funeral processing, and monk begging for the alms.
  • These sights moved them a lot and he decided to become a monk and started moving in search of enlightenment.
  • He started meditation under a peepal tree and after seven days he got enlightenment and he became known as the Buddha (the Awakened or the Enlightened).
  • He preached his first sermon at Benares.
  • Once a woman came to him requesting to bring her dead son to life.
  • Gautama Buddha asked the lady to bring handful of mustard seeds from the house were there had been no death.
  • The lady moved from one house to another but she could not find a single house where no one has lost a child, husband, parents or friend.
  • Then she came to know that death common to all and is the ultimate truth.