Beehive Poem A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal - CBSE Revision Notes
CBSE Class 09 English Language and Literature
Revision Notes
Beehive Chapter 10
A slumber did my Spirit Seal
By William Wordsworth
Revision Notes
Beehive Chapter 10
A slumber did my Spirit Seal
By William Wordsworth
- This poem is about the poet's feelings on the death of a loved one.
- The poet says that he had been in a state of deep sleep. It seemed as if the slumber had sealed his spirit.
- In that dream like stage he was unable to sense any realities and had no human fears or anxieties.
- His beloved being dead will not be able to feel the touch of earthly years.
- She doesn't have motion or force, she is unable to hear or see.
- She has become a part of nature with other rocks, stones and trees.. She is also turning around with the earth in its everyday motion.