Beehive Poem The Lake Isle of Innisfree - CBSE Test Papers

CBSE Class 9 English Language and Literature
Beehive Poem Chapter-4 The Lake Isle of Innisfree
Test Paper-01

Read the following passages and answer the questions:
  1. I will arise and go now, and go to Innisfree,
    And a small cabin build there, of clay and wattles made:
    1. Who is I in the first line?
    2. What’s his resolve?
    3. What is he going to build there?
    4. What are wattles?
  2. Nine bean-rows will I have there, a hive for the honey-bee;
    And live alone in the bee-loud glade.
    1. What kind of garden does he want to have?
    2. Why does he want to build a hive?
    3. What is a glade?
    4. What does he want to do there?
Answer the following questions in about 30 words:
  1. What is the intension of the poet?
  2. What is the poet going to build in Innisfree and why?
  3. Why does the poet want to live alone?
  4. What kind of house does the poet want to build?
  5. The poet in the last two lines presents a different picture. What is it?
  6. How the poet wants to spend his time in Innisfree?
Answer the following questions in about 100 words:
  1. Why does the poet want to go to Innisfree and what he intends to do there?
  2. Where was the poet at the time of penning the poem?
CBSE Class 9 English Language and Literature
Beehive Poem Chapter-4 The Lake Isle of Innisfree
Test Paper-01

    1. ‘I’ is the speaker or the poet in the first line.
    2. His resolve is to go to Innisfree.
    3. He is going to build a cabin made of clay and wattles.
    4. Wattles are a fabrication of poles interwoven with slender branches, withes, or reeds and used especially formerly in buildings.
    1. He wants to have a garden of beans with nine rows.
    2. He wants to build a hive for honey bees.
    3. A glade is an open space surrounded by woods.
    4. He wants to build a cabin of clay and wattle and a hive for honey-bees.
  1. The intension of the poet is to build a cabin there and stay alone peacefully.
  2. The poet is going to build a cabin made of clay and wallet and a hive for honey-bee and a garden of nine bean in Innisfree. He wants to live there alone peacefully.
  3. The poet wants to live alone because he doesn’t like the mad rush of the town and live a peaceful life on an isolated island with bees and crickets.
  4. The poet wants to build a small house like a cabin made of clay and wattle and settle there.
  5. The poet in the last two lines presents a different picture, when he tries to express that he is still in the town on a pavement next to the road and feels the splash of water of lake in his heart.
  6. In Innisfree, the poet wants to spend his time listening to the songs of honey-bee and crickets.
  7. The poet wants to go to Innisfree to spend his time in peace and tranquility of serene place which has a garden of nine bean. He also wants to build a cabin made of clay and wattle surrounded by the garden. He also wants to make a hive for honey-bee. He describes the place as beautiful with moonlight spreading silver splash and purple glow of the sun during noon. He intends to do live there in peace listening to the honey-bee and the songs of the crickets. He also wants to listen to splash of the water on the shores of the lake.
  8. The poet was in the city or town at the time of penning the poem. At the end of the poem he stated that ‘While I stand on the roadway, or on the pavements grey’. He has been dreaming of his childhood fascination to go and settle at an island in lake Innisfree and settle there. He cherished to build a cabin made of clay and wattle and a hive for the honey-bee. He wished to listen to the splash of water striking on the banks and hear the melodious songs of crickets. He longed to hear the loud buzz of the honey-bee in the glade. Though he is unable to go there but the splash of water and dream of being at Innisfree linger on in his heart.